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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • As a thread reader here (not really contributor for this part) I see your point and I appreciate it, but I don’t know if it actually helps your case?

    Basically you have established a moral high-ground and visceral reaction from the perspective of the non meat eating type and I can empathize with it, but doesn’t every group have this? Like if you said “Oh but it’s not just about birth control it’s about intentionally thwarting human life” as an argument for Catholics being against birth control… I can understand it but it isn’t an argument yeah? It’s an argument if I agree with your perspective, but otherwise I don’t think you’ve done anything different than the guy you replied to from a purely argumentative standpoint: you both gave a perspective and neither of you met in the middle.

    From a debate perspective he’s got you by the short hairs because, even though he may not be absolutely right, you’ve made yourself look a little dickish to the rest of us.

  • What if I told you the quiet part loud? I don’t think every life is fundamentally created equal.

    I’m a farm boy turned liberal and if you’re going to argue about climate change and the benefits of a vegetarian diet in that respect, you’ve got the right of it and I’ll eat less meat (I’m trying). If you’re going to say “cow abuse is child abuse!” I will personally come murder a cow for you and eat it with you (or against you, I guess?).

    You are barking up the wrong tree and have missed the point whenever you come to this argument. Plants and animals grown for food ARE. FOR. FOOD. and you will not turn me to your way of thinking by crying foul about their treatment. I would love to minimize animal suffering / I am not into animal torture, but you’re just not going to get there unless you’re literally demonstrating widespread suffering for sport of livestock animals. If there was a raccoon outside right now screwing with my dog or my kid or my house or whatever I would absolutely end it and not lose a second of sleep, without considering it’s children or parentage or treatment.

    I am who you are dealing with and who you are trying to convert. The “proper way to live” has nothing to do with it. I grow food, I eliminate pests, I eat the food I intended to raise. Cow, corn, pig, dog, cat, unicorn, etc: it gets to grow and flourish as much as I can provide, then it gets harvested to eat, unless it is invasive then it gets summarily removed.

    It’s not about callousness or disregard for the beauty of life, my situation has just been fundamentally different than yours unless you also spent childhood raising your own food.