Dr. Quadragon ❌

Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
Pronoun: he/his/him;
Tillie code: 0b00111001
Bit of an SJW. Militant atheist and battle skeptic. Former Devil’s advocate. Devout Saganist.
If you are a Nazi, we can’t be friends.
Admin of mastodon.ml

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2019


  • @Violett_Queen I don’t think it’s already the case and we already generally do just do whatever we want, but are afraid to admit it to ourselves.

    Also, are you talking about *gamy or *amory?

    There’s distinction.

    Polygamy is about just sex pretty much. Polyamory is about romantic relationships.

    If the former, then, a lot of married people have sex outside marriage. It’s debatable how honest this is, most of it just cheating - but that already counts as polygamy.

    If the latter… Unfortunately, we’re ways off universally recognizing this type of relationship. For shame.

    There’s also the factor of polyamorous relationships being harder to maintain, requiring a lot more work to do properly. Despite what conservatives might say, this type of relationship demands MORE responsibility from all involved, not less. So, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and probably monoamory will be the default in most of the cases. But if you are willing and able pull it off, there’s nothing quite like it.

  • @pinkdrunkenelephants Yes, but it’s important to remember that dictionaries are not god’s gospel. It’s not some kind of revelation about Life, Universe and Everything. And it’s not even a naturally occurring phenomenon. It’s still just a book (or rather, a database) some dudes or lasses wrote some time ago using their accumulated experience. It still comes from humans. It’s still just a fragment of someone’s consciousness.

    And being, as we (hopefully) know, determines the consciousness. And being is an immensely complex and ever-changing thing. So no dictionary is accurate, ever. So we have lots of them, and all context-dependent.

    So it is useful to re-evaluate the definitions you think you know.

    Take the same makeup, for example. If someone wants to ban it, they’d better fucking give everyone a clear idea what do they mean by that. Suppose, I’m going to a football (or soccer, depending on who you ask) game and paint my face in the colours of FC I’m a fan of. Am I a criminal now?