• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yes, I’m very aware of my statistical insignificance that causes everyone to assume I did something to deserve long term consequences of covid. Between the antivaxxers who scowl at me for wearing a mask the rare times i dare be in public, the extreme pro-vaxxers who ask increasingly invasive medical questions to find a reason that I must have done this to myself, society leaving me to rot now they’ve all moved on because the vaccines solved everything, and the doctors telling me they have no strategies for me because there isn’t enough research… I promise that I haven’t forgotten that I’m the tiny and easily dismissable minority, despite my covid-triggered amnesia.

    People always remind me of it when I don’t fit their narrative of the irresponsible or gullible fool who bought into the anti-science grift or flouted restrictions. Perhaps it’s because it’s more comforting to remind themselves that it’s improbable that they will also end up as one of the forgotten. At least, for now, until the ridiculously contagious and quickly mutating virus happens to not play nicely with their own latent medical issues and unknown genetic errors.

    I’m sorry your friend was deceived by the propaganda that the vaccine was worse than the disease. And I’m sorry that you blame them for being deceived instead of understanding that fear causes people to make poor choices.

  • You can’t just cover things back up. Archaeological digs have been slowly buried over time in environmental conditions that allowed for their preservation, or in Pompeii’s case, initially very quickly and then slowly. Covering it back up would not only ruin the discovery potential of future investigation that relies on identification by context (for example, dating a pot by the chemical composition of the surrounding and previously contained materials, but it would also endanger anything we’ve found by introducing an uncontrolled and entirely new environment. It’s not like we can layer on the ash and other stuff in the same order it was deposited and in the exact same location with the same chemical composition.

    Conservation is a necessary and very active effort as soon as something is found, because the act of studying it aleays causes at least some initial destruction.

  • “Most of Israeli society will say: ‘Why not? It’s a nice place, let’s make the desert bloom, it doesn’t come at anyone’s expense’.”

    Extremists Jews have become what they swore to destroy. The holocaust was the core justification for the creation of Israel, and while I never expected peace in the Middle East, I didn’t expect them to start committing the same atrocities within living memory while using the same fertile land propaganda metaphors.

    The UN fucked up hard when it formed the country and the Security Council voting system needs to be reformed based on this awful lesson. The world is less safe than ever, and nuclear weapon proliferation is accelerating rapidly, so the UN SC is just not achieving their own goals either.

    This is what a failing civilization and species looks like and I’m not enjoying being on the sinking ship. Happy new year.

  • Thanks, I try. I know what it’s like to have subjective symptoms of something larger and medically very real dismissed by others to the point where more permanent damage is done than was ever necessary. While I don’t wish that experience on anyone, it sadly seems almost a necessary experience for many people in order to be able to engage others with compassion.

    I wish there were more empathy, especially in lemmy.world comments. I had hoped better for the fediverse than the current patterns of hostility in social media towards others with different life experiences.

  • You don’t have to apologise, you haven’t done anything wrong. It is true that since people can experience sudden health issues very young, I was one of them. But if your only evidence for diabetes is that you recently ate a common food that happened to be high in sugar, then there’s no sign at all that this is something you are experiencing. You have no symptoms of diabetes, and blood tests as evidence that you don’t have it. But anxiety is a legitimate health condition too.

    You shouldn’t ignore symptoms, which is why you need to look at the symptoms of anxiety that you seem to be experiencing. A panic attack is not something most people regularly experience, and definitely not because they broke their own omad rule with a food that has high sugar levels.

    Please, look into deep breathing techniques fir the panic attacks and doctors who specialize in anxiety near you. I wish you all the luck and best, I know how anxiety can paralyze and negatively affect your life. But the good news is that you aren’t powerless to change it.

  • Friend, I mean this in the nicest possible way, with understanding as someone who has personal experience with both anxiety and insulin issues. I’ve noticed your name on a lot of threads which all demonstrate “catastrophization” and extremely high levels of fear over low risk situations. Levels of fear that are disproportionate. You need to see a doctor about it.

    Anxiety isn’t you being crazy or your fault. It could be something as simple as a chemical imbalance. You don’t need to live like this though, it’s exhausting being this afraid all the time and that energy could be far better spent on things that truly improve your life.

    Please consider it, I know I’m not the first person to tell you this. Acknowledge the pattern, and talk to a professional. It’s hard but very very worth it.

  • Wow, so harsh. How will Russia survive such extreme constraints on an industry that has historically exemplified “artificial scarcity”? /s

    If the EU really believed Russia were an existential threat, they’d do far more than the piss weak economic restrictions they’ve put in place, including these. The tolerance of most trade demonstrates that they’re happy to let Ukraine rot as a longterm warzone, now that it’s clear the loss of the “bread basket of Europe” hasn’t had an overwhelming effect on staple food supplies or problematic amounts of mass EU immigration. In fact, it probably helps both the Russian and the EU ruling class out that there are millions fewer mouths to feed from the death and carnage taking place. If you keep most people poor, they’re less able to take your position on the rich list. Governments and private enterprise are both guilty of exploitation.

    99% of us are just expendible pawns in geopolitical chess to these people. We (collectively as a species) need to refuse to participate in their attempts to expand their empires. Preventing the carbon output of just the military-industrial complex is probably enough to delay the impending climate catastrophe for the entire world by a few decades…

  • Sure. I just think most people can be less hypocritical in calling it out because we’re not the head of state of a country and top representative for a religion with extensive history of the same acts. I don’t have the power to direct an entire economy’s resources or have the adoring audience of millions globally, but he does. So he ought to be reminded of his own abilities, and the rest of us shouldn’t just let the Vatican forget its own self-declared immoral actions.

    He can make geopolitical statements and direct his flock as he pleases, and I will continue to call him out on his bullshit. My position on the core truth of his statement does not alter my position on calling out hypocrisy.

  • I posted an artwork I had made on a social media website that I had also put on a different relevant site the previous day. Some random guy from another country claimed I had stolen it and he knew that because he knew the original artist in real life. He had actually just seen my other post, but by the time I saw his comment, the hivemind reacted and the damage had been done. Editing the description on the first version I posted to indicate that I was the artist and person who posted in both places was too little too late.

    I saw his photo, he lied about knowing me to accuse me of lying about my efforts. What a dick.

    I stopped posting anything I make anywhere, fuck it. I don’t have the energy to defend myself against bullshit accusations from liars.

  • So was harboring the head of the fascist Ustaše in the Vatican and smuggling him out to Argentina using the ratlines after WW2 - and keeping the loot the Ustaše brought with them. So were the Catholic forced conversions conducted by members of the Franciscan Order during WW2. The Pope can hand back the stolen treasure to the owners and release the documents from that period if he wants to make a believable denouncement of religiously motivated atrocities.

    Until the Vatican is willing to address its own genocide and make amends, this is just hypocritical hot air and puffery.

  • While I’m glad the Australian Government had decided to take at least a mild finger-wagging stance of disapproval, blaming this on “settlers” trivialises the situation in an unacceptable way. The Israeli state is perfectly able to keep Jewish extremists from invading the space and forcibly displacing Palestinians, but not only does the state choose not to, but they’re actively participating in the genocide. They’re not “settlers”, the land has been “settled” for longer than written human history. IDF snipers are not some sort of quaint uncoordinated pioneers discovering new land.

    I wasn’t previously against Israel’s “right to exist”, but the atrocities the Israeli goveenment are perpetuating are making me take a far stronger stance against ethnostates of all varieties.