• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022

  • It is in China’s self-interest for the era of imperialism, complete with its colonialism and neocolonialism, to come to an end. It turns out, that’s also in the self-interest of literally everyone, even the imperialists. So the fact that this is in the interests of China is sort of a moot point.

    That’s like saying a doctor is only curing people of life threatening diseases so she can eat a decent meal and sleep in a comfortable bed. Uh, sure… I think we can all agree that whoever helps out should get a good life. What’s the point of saying what you’re saying, exactly?

  • Uhhh, ok sweaty? Like, Binance trades in those currencies. The problem is the crypto wallet service ecosystem that was developed and pushed. The coins are decentralized but the wallet platforms are all points of control. And it’s the wallet platforms that are spending the money on advertising and social media, not the coins themselves. So the whole ecosystem - outside of the gear heads who knows enough to run their own wallets AND know enough to run them securely and redundantly to avoid loss - the whole ecosystem is intermediated by feds and fed-adjacent actors.

  • A Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) led investigation discovered the plane in the Dominican Republic, a source said.

    Sooo… homeland security of the USA was in the Dominican Republic, an ostensibly sovereign nation, and stole the plane of the president of another sovereign nation.

    The plane is the Venezuelan equivalent to Air Force One

    Can you imagine what would happen if another nation did this to the USA?

    “[…] for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies”

    Like Air Force One is for Biden and his cronies, or Clinton and his cronies, or Reagan and his cronies?

    “This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States […]”

    So they didn’t know it was illegally purchased before the USA Homeland Security stole it from the Dominican Republic?

    “The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.”

    How does undermining unilateral politically motivated sanctions undermine the national security of the USA?

    “The seizure of this aircraft is another significant action by Homeland Security Investigations working with our domestic and international partners against the illegal activities of the Maduro regime,”

    It’s not illegal in Venezuela to violate the unilateral sanctions of the USA. It’s not illegal ANYWHERE to violate unilateral sanctions of some other country.

    “This is an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequences from his misgovernance of Venezuela,”

    This is some real Team America: World Police level brain rot.

  • Keep going! I think you still need more precision. Your racialized students are all victims of racism at nearly all times. What you’re talking about is when racialized students are victims of harm (which comes in many forms) where that harm is the intimate form of structural racism.

    So when someone uses a racial slur, racialized people experience harm if they are exposed to it. A) what is that harm if the slur was used at them versus if that slur was used near them but not at them? B) is there harm if no racialized people are exposed to that event?

    Being able to articulate these sorts of nuances in a way that is internally consistent will be the result of struggling with these concepts and coming to deeper understandings and the path forward will be clearer.

    To put a finer point on it, if a white child, in a room of 5 white children and a white teacher, uses a racial slur, how would you describe that, how would you understand the consequences of that, how would you make the decision on whether and how to intervene, and how would you communicate your decision in context?

  • I will challenge for the sake of you refining your argument: bigotry is equivalent with rude behavior and aggressive confrontation. Bigotry is not limited to the structures of racism. You can be a bigot against people without hair, bigot against people based on height, a bigot against people based on body fat, a bigot against people based on body shape and proportions, etc.

    Racism, on the other hand, is a structure that exists even without bigotry. Bigotry is a symptom or an outgrowth of structural racism. The earliest racists didn’t spend their time being rude and getting into fights with people, they spent their timing writing academic essays, giving lectures, and generally being perfectly calm, reasonable high society people who just believed things like race is inherent in the person and values are inherent in the race.

    I challenge you to get more precise about why you think bigotry is different than other forms of conflict, connect it to the structural so that you’re not only dealing with the individual, and proceed from there with a refined analysis and set of proposals.

  • Don’t ever forget that the fortune that built Forbes started with A different Forbes family line built their fortune selling opium in dominated China, using those proceeds to build rail in America on land stolen from the indigenous peoples being genocided and then a completely unrelated Forbes family line turned into a financial and built a propaganda empire. rag during WW1.

  • Why is Russia so good at this? They have so much less money, so many fewer people, they were completely demolished 30 years ago, and they are shot through with corruption. How could they be so effective at controlling USA politicians and the USA electoral system and the USA Congress and the USA media when the USA spends far more on propaganda, far more on espionage, far more on media, far more on their military, far more on international relations, and has more people and has much longer unbroken period of prosperity and has more control over the world’s resources and has more influence over the world governments?

    It just doesn’t make sense. How is Russia this good?

  • What are you fucking talking about. Hong Kong has always been part of China. The imperialist monarchical tyranny of Great Britain forcibly occupied Hong Kong and separated it from Chinese governance on a temporary contractual basis. Once that contract was up, Hong Kong was once again part of China but instead of completely overturning everything in Hong Kong, the Chinese government established a way of working called “One Country, Two Systems” that is making the transition away from the dynastic monarchy of unapologetic genocidal racists easier for the people of Hong Kong.

    The fact that the youth of Hong Kong decided to protest part of this process is a function of British propaganda. The protestors elders were not in support of the protests and some even threw their kids out of their homes for their participation. Meanwhile, the protesters in Hong Kong were incredibly violent for a prolonged period of time and the response from the Chinese government was incredibly sedate, patient, and considerate, especially compared to literally anything the USA has done domestically when people protest for the rights of black people.

    Your narrative is fantastical with little to no basis in reality.