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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • First, thanks for doing the work of checking sources for articles posted here, I believe you add value to the conversation.
    This being said, I happen to disagree with you - here’s why.

    There seems to be a common misconception about bias and trustability.

    The site you linked to has two ratings: factual reporting and bias.

    Factual reporting is determined by how they do their jobs: do they check their facts and sources before they publish?
    ABC news australia is voted 4/5 on that scale, which I’d say makes them pretty trustworthy - most of the time, they report accurate and verified information.

    Bias is the way you choose the informations you report and how you comment on them. For exemple, while reporting the same information “billionaires are now x% richer than last year”, a left biased paper could comment on how non billionaires are getting poorer and a right biased paper could list the billionaires and applaud their financial choices. As a strongly left biased person myself, I’ll ignore the right biased paper nit because I think they’re lying, but because I don’t find their commentary relevant.
    Everybody and every news source is biased, and it’s okay. There is usually no neutrality possible when you do journalistic work, because your job is to provide context and commentary around the facts that you report.

    IMO, bias is not a metric helpful to determine credibility, and I find it a little detrimental that the site you linked to has bias and fact checking displayed at the same place without providing a better differentation between the two.

    On a side note, the pursuit of a fictionnal “journalistic neutrality” supposedly devoid of any bias has been and still is weaponized in the french news, where women, muslils or people or color are told they can’t report on subjects that they know well because they are supposedly too close to the topic and wouldn’t be able to stay neutral. While of course cishet white privileged men can report on those subjects because they are more “objective”…

  • you’re projecting your own thought processes onto something that has the brain capacity of a plywood door

    Well, research begs to differ. Although I couldn’t find anything on the brain capacity of plywood doors, sheeps and cows definitely have some form of conscience and the ability to feel emotions and pain.
    A litterature review conducted and published by Lori Marino and Kristin Allen (The psychology of cows, 2017) concludes that cows:

    • are able to make sophisticated discriminations among not only objects but humans
    • possess not just simple emotions but several emotional capacities, such as cognitive judgement bias and emotional contagion
    • show an apparent emotionnal reaction to learning which may reflect a sense of self-agency similar to other mammals
    • have distinct personalities
    • exhibit several dimensions of social complexity, including social learning

    Do you know how much a fucking cow is worth? 😂 Farmers are the tightest gits on earth, they’re not out there torturing their profits mate

    Idk how much it’s worth, but I guess it’s a lot. I also know how financially difficult the situation of small-estate farmers is (several commit suicide every month in my country).
    I got a question for you: do you know how much milk a cow would produce for its farmer if it wasn’t repeatedly impregnated and separated from its offspring ? The answer is much less than currently. And that would put farmers in even greater jeopardy than they already are.
    I don’t believe that most farmers voluntarily hurt their animals and enjoy it. But in my experience, most of them come from a culture in which the intelligence and emotions of cattle is being negated and we collectively make sure it stays this way because we don’t want to face the incredible amount of suffering we inflict on hundreds of millions of sentient beings every year.

    If you Google “Un agriculteur accusé de maltraitance animale” you’ll find a lot of articles, which means that the laws against the abuse are working

    If you Google “L214 videos” you’ll see a lot of horrific things happening in farms and In slaughterhouses which are still in operation without any additional oversight. There are laws, and sure some stuff is illegal and frowned upon, but it’s leagues away from preventing cattle abuse.

    I’m from rural France btw, and I’ve lived where we produce this “cultural delicacy” called foie-gras, which is still very legal and celebrated as fuck.

  • Wow, this escalated towards cannibalism quickly.

    The original comment stated that France has good laws against animal abuse. That’s very partially true: a few animals have a priviledged status (cats and dogs for exemple) and are somewhat protected against abuse while others are abused, tortured and killed everyday without any kind of protection.

    I’m not commenting for any cause here, just pointing out stuff we collectively overlook.
    I don’t think we should pat ourselves on the shoulder saying “wow we’re so good at fighting animal abuse” while our food habits rely on unnecessary mass cruelty.
    And yes, it’s uncomfortable to look at - that’s why we’re used to ignoring it - but pretending it’s not real does not change the facts.

  • This was an interesting read for me.
    So far, I’ve been exposed to bash as the default shell, I then switched to zsh because I wanted the oh-my-zsh experience and recently I discovered fish because it is ships with my current gaming distro (Garuda).
    I never really gave it much thought, I do too little shell-scripting to really remember syntax and open a search engine any time I want to write another script.

    The part that speaks the most to me is towards the end: it’s ok to have nice things, and writing scripts should be fun. The first programming language I used was Ruby, and to this day I never really found the same syntactic niceness in another language (C, Java, Rust, JS).
    Mainly for this reason, this article makes me want to try Nushell.