Freedom is a synthetic enterprise, not a natural gift

  • 41 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2020


  • I was trying to do that but I’m unsure what to edit to do that, since most tutorials are using either a Debian based or Arch distro.

    I was using a similar guide, and it also talked about the locale.gen, but that file was never to be found, I just searched a bit more into that and this popped up. So it seems Fedora handles things differently, but now I’m unsure what commands to execute since I’m not sure the ones in that thread are also valid for me.

  • ghost_laptop@lemmy.mlMtoMemes@lemmy.mlquick reminder
    11 months ago

    Socialism is the stage previous to communism when there’s a State in which the proletariat is in power, the purpose of the State is to use its repressive forces by one class over the other to oppress them and keep them in place, capitalism (also called the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie) has the bourgeois as its ruling class and oppresses the proletariat, socialism (also called the dictatorship of the proletariat) utilizes the State to oppress the bourgeoisie until global socialism is achieved, on that point on class society is abolished and the State is dissolved. This late stage is what we call communism.

  • I disagree, of course you can’t learn just using Duolingo, but it is like saying X textbook doesn’t teach you anything because you are only using that. Learning a language is a process that never ends and that requires a lot of different processes, maybe Duolingo doesn’t have absolutely all of them but if you finish a tree of the main languages and some other digging around you will have learnt quite a lot.