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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The key to creating significant change is not electing this or that individual ‘hero’ to office hoping they will bring down the system from the inside or something. Over and over again we see that people have to compromise with the superstructure of power that exists around the party they are member of in order to maintain the support of that party and thus keep their position. Instead, we must create a unified and sustained labour movement that no politician can say no to and keep their job. That’s why Shawn Fain’s appeal to every union to unify their next contract negotiation with UAW on May Day is so important. We don’t hope for change, we make it happen.

  • That’s exactly it, though. All that infrastructure got built when the government would directly build infrastructure. The Interstate System, the Transcontinental Railroad, these got built because the government got them done. It’s only since the birth of neoliberalism during Carter’s presidency, and supercharged during Reagan’s, where infrastructure only gets done through public private partnerships that things stopped being built.

  • You wanna know something else? The majority of the world economy is already centrally planned. Not on the national level, on the corporate level. Business is dominated by a relatively few giant corporations with internal economies the size of some nations. None of them run free markets internally. Sears experimented with it, to their demise. Central planning is already the primary way that our economic lives are driven. It’s just we let unaccountable billionaires do the planning instead of an elected body.