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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • How does exactly Jordan Peterson dismiss asexuality there?

    He is asked by someone self defining as asexual: how can I do to have kids, I have not felt sexual connections but want to create children with my wife.

    Then he answers the questions, like “hey, if you really wanna do this, you can try this steps. Also, you can explore if you are really asexual (see, he acknowledges there asexual exists) or if maybe it has roots on something else, and you should explore that as well”

    How is that dismissing, did I miss something?

    If it is because something in the lines of “well, you cannot tell people they maybe arent what they identify as” then Ok i guess. I don’t agree, I think a professional should explore all possibilities, especially when it is generaring discomfort to someone (as is the case with the person asking), but that’s just my opinion.

    If it’s not in that line, I may have missed something.

  • What if we cannot afford the space of keeping everything backed uo forever? What if it has been a year? Where do we put the limits to “okay, this is stupid” and “this is perfectably reasonable”? What if the action cannot be reversed, and after deletion you need to anonimyze particularly sensitive data?

    I say to all that, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. If you are not apt enough to read and research about the software, you are not apt enough to use it.

    Same with hardware. You cut your finger because you didnt follow instructions clearly laid out for you not to cut your finger when using a saw? Maybe sawing was not for you mate