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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • And in return Gamers Nexus is teaching all of their viewers what their consumer rights are, and how to report fraudulent activity to the proper regulatory authorities. This isn’t the first time Gamers Nexus has gotten regulatory agencies involved with computer part manufacturers fucking over customers, and the history of those incidents didn’t go very well for other companies involved.

    On the other hand Gamers Nexus has also gone out of their way to point out companies that have done the right thing when issues came up, to make sure those companies are getting kudos for NOT fucking over consumers. Because sadly that’s all we really want.

    If the FTC gets enough complaints to warrant the manpower to investigate ASUS warranty fraud, there is no doubt in my mind that they’re gonna be fucked based on what we’ve seen so far.

  • This is exactly the kind of issue that the average person might deal with, or it will be a deal breaker and they’ll never try again. Even if you can customize something via a config file, the average user will never do that. If there is no easy GUI in a normal location (like system settings) for something they want to adjust, it might as well not exist.

    Average users either will accept all the inconveniences, or none. If it is more inconvenient than what they are used to right off the bat, they will go back and never try again.

  • Until something breaks, or doesn’t have a GUI. The average user seeing a terminal means they will abandon it. And even if they are willing to handle a terminal to fix an issue, the toxic community members that flock to be the first to respond condescendingly to new users will turn them away permanently.

    Linux communities have some of the most helpful users, but they also have people worse than a League of Legends game. And all it takes is one of them to turn the average person away forever.

  • Still, the company announced earlier this year that foot traffic to its restaurants had slowed as inflation increased.

    It’s not just foot traffic I’m sure. That’s what happens when a business sees a temporary 9% inflation bump as a good time to increase all prices 30%+ across the board. McDonald’s is nearly as expensive as Five Guys in my area now. They forgot what market niche they were filling when they got greedy. What used to be a $3 meal off the dollar menu is now $8 for the same items, and the “deals” all suck unless you want those specific 3 options or a discount equivalent to the sales tax.

  • You probably wait in your car a lot more than you realize. I pick up friends to go various places as I’m usually the designated driver, I’m often waiting out in the parking lot for people to come out. It may only be a few minutes, but a lot of the regular built in games (not steam) will load up in just a minute or so and occupy that time.

    Or waiting at the cell phone lot to pick people up from the airport.

    Charging waiting is likely the most common, but unlike what most non-EV drivers seem to think most of those stops are only about 15 minutes on a road trip. You aren’t charging up fully each time, you just charge up for the next leg, and a buffer, and the car calculates it all for you. Otherwise you really should have a home charging solution, it’s cheaper and you always have a full charge you don’t need to think about. If for some reason you need to fully charge at a supercharger, that can take longer. Just like your phone can charge to 50-70% super quickly and the rest is slow, the car battery is similar, just much larger capacity. So that can take a while longer. The longest I’ve ever had to charge though for a nearly full battery from about 20% was 40 minutes. And that was because I was going to a very remote area, away from major highways with no charging infrastructure, so I made sure I had enough to make it back.

    Most people probably would just play on their phones, but the in car games just provide an alternative. Just like Netflix and the other streaming services in the car. They’re there for those waiting times, however infrequent they may be.

  • Repeatedly insulting me does not make what you said any less an implication that fraud and murder are equally bad.

    And you claiming I implied something doesn’t mean I actually did. I never made the claim you seem so stuck on saying I did.

    Furthermore, a compromise law such as the one you stated would take a long time to craft, whereas repealing this law would be fast.

    Ah yes, so fast it’s been done already right? Because trying to change it versus repealing it is clearly why it’s still on the books. It’s not at all because legislators want it to stay, or just don’t care.

    Missouri does appear to have a way for citizens to petition statutory changes directly, so people could actually put together a repeal themselves if they wanted to, they just… haven’t I guess?

  • So prioritized things have a higher or lower precedence or importance. But if they have equal precedence, then there is no priority. Greater than and less than are not equal.

    You might want to re-read my responses because your reading comprehension of them is lacking. I never said one issue was more important than the other. In fact, I never said they were equal importance either. I just made a comment pointing out there are also other marital law issues.

    You are assuming I said or meant some sort of priority between issues, but I never said one was more important. I said they all needed to be fixed and we don’t have to do one thing at a time. That explicitly doesn’t put any sort of priority on anything.