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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I don’t think that’s the implication here. Following the metaphor, pottery and arrow points have been waste products for a while. Prior to the industrial revolution, and specifically prior to the chemical revolution, industrial waste streams haven’t been as major of a problem (ignoring cholera for a bit). It’s been the development of selling chemicals for profit and the extensive use of petroleum that’s really caused massive problems threatening humanity as a whole.

    The implication then is that people should be responsible for their memes. Corporations are inherently irresponsible because there exit economic incentives to externalize costs, be that environmental or informational. AI garbage as a waste stream would be fine if the data was clearly labeled as such. Unfortunately at least some AI garbage is intended to be deceptive. There exists an economic incentives to produce AI garbage that is hard to distinguish from human output. Since AI garbage can be produced at an industrial scale, there’s a massive waste data stream that’s able to overload the systems we’ve built to parse and organize data.

    There are probably a lot more implications here, but “what are we doing with our information world” is something worth thinking about before we make it completely unusable.

    This feels like the precursor to the information Apocalypse referenced in the comic Transmetropolitan.

  • Its time to start talking about “memetic effluent.” In the same way corporations polluted our physical world, they’re pollution our memetic world. AI spewing garbage data is just the most obvious way, but corporations have been toxifying our memetic space for generations.

    This memetic effluent will make sorting through data harder and harder over the years. But the oil and tobacco industries undermined science and democracy for decades with it’s own memetic effluent in order to protect their business for decades. Advertising is it’s own effluent that distorts and destroys language. Jerry Rubin said it in 1970, “How can I tell you ‘I love you’ after hearing ‘cars love shell?’”

    While physical effluent destroys our physical environment making living in the world harder, memetics effluent destroys meaning and makes thinking about and comprehending the world harder. Both are the garbage side effects of the perpetuation of capitalism.

    This example of poisoning the data well is just too obvious to ignore, but there are so many others.

  • If that was going to work it would have on September 6th 1901. It didn’t work then, or any other time. Do whatever you want, but if you want to be useful there are much more effective things to do. Honestly, rich people are also trapped in this machine.

    Capitalism, like patriarchy, means suffering for everyone involved. This includes the dominant group. They are also victims, just in a very different way. Brutalizing them would do nothing because they’re already afraid. That’s why they’re killing us. They’re afraid that if they give up power we’ll exact revenge. That’s why they can’t just stop even though they know we’ll all die.

  • Actually, there are a lot of people who do tax resistence for religious reasons. Quakers regularly resist taxes because they assert their religious right not to pay for war. There are both legal and illegal ways to resist.

    Let’s compare two scenarios: (1) a large number of people carry out a peaceful tax strike and are arrested, (2) people start killing “the rich.”

    In scenario 1, even after arresting people the system is still starved of resources. A violent reaction could even elicit more people to join or prompt a violent resistence that would overthrow the system.

    In scenario 2, if people actually end up killing anyone they’re arrested or just straight killed. They are seen as crazy people. The dead rich people are replaced with new rich people. Nothing changes. This has been tried a lot of times before. Even getting to the point of killing one billionaire would take several people working together. Spend some time just imagining how it would actually work, like how a plan like that would actually work, and you’ll understand why it’s not a good first option.

  • Yeah, but if you look at clearance rates for cops they’re significantly lower than crime dramas would have you believe. Cops unbelievably incompetent, they regularly botch DNA and completely destroy evidence. Some crime labs don’t even have manuals. When you read police accountability reports, you start to realize tye CSI thing is a total lie and they usually just torture or terrorize random black and brown people in to confessing to things they didn’t do.

    It’s rare and newsworthy when they actually do detective work and crack a case, and even then it’s usually because they had tons of help from people who aren’t cops. I’m not at all surprised that someone could spend their whole life committing major felonies and that they never got caught.