I’m not even mad because the maths is making more sense than my computational maths module in my masters
I’m not even mad because the maths is making more sense than my computational maths module in my masters
And still the biggest bullshit on iPhones is still the lack of clip board and how the copied item will vanish after 20 mins… my ADHD brain won’t remember what I needed that copied thing for because as soon as I see my Home Screen I will end up on a different app and spend an hour on there
Don’t even get started with anime, I feel like there’s sooo many good shows but each one has over 600 episodes and I won’t ever get time to watch it all
It depends on the story for me, usually the build up is sooo sexy but other times I just want to see a specific ⭐️get pounded in a specific position
It’s not a niche thing, I come from an android phone nd it still after 2 years bugs the hell out of… mfa expire after a couple minutes anyways before you have to request it again, and then passwords??? Why do you need to copy it when passwords will input it for you after authentication of Face ID? You’ve never used clipboard hence why you assume it’s “niche” thing, but its one of the most side loaded thing on iOS on both iPad and iOS? So not so “niche”