Can’t catch a break

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I wish I knew that three years ago. I had a Perkins loan with Heartland ECSI. At the beginning of COVID, they kept screwing up how much I owed them. I would log in a few days before payment should have been due, and it said I owed them $0. So I thought this loan was on the same thing my Stafford loans were on, where I owed no payment temporarily due to COVID.

    I log in a few days later then it says I owe my normal payment + late fee and it says I am overdue. I call their customer service and I explain the situation. The lady seemed to not believe me. “No, it says you owe X amount. I would not have said 0.” Given that I caught this fast enough, if I paid it now it wouldn’t have affected my credit. I just paid the payment plus the small fee because I did not have the energy to fight due to dealing with the world’s crisis and my own added problems at home.

    The next month, I see that it says I owe nothing again. Well, maybe they finally got the student loan pause stuff figured out. Nope, same thing. Not knowing if I was just going nuts, and factoring in my intense burnout, I just paid off the whole thing. Fortunately it was not much, but enough that my savings for a down payment was wiped out. I really could have used that money but for a finance company to just screw up so badly on a simple thing I just did not want anything to do with them any more.

  • It’s a problem for those that cannot charge at home. My apartment complex will not install chargers and I have no easy way to run a charger myself.

    That’s not to say your point does not stand, but it’s still not a reality for folks like me quite yet. After my last car was totaled (RIP), I went with a hybrid. Pretty good fuel economy (35-45mpg in the city, 50-60 on the highway) and it hasn’t given me any issues so far.

    If I still need a car by the time this one bites the dust, then I would definitely consider if an EV would fit my needs.

  • I used to be homeless. (I am doing significantly better now though. Hard work and luck.)

    I did actually have a job, it just didn’t pay enough to get me a place to live at the time. I was too ashamed to beg for money, but I did occasionally hang around restaurants and ask people for food. (So much shame because I had so many peers with family that helped them and they would look down on me for “failing to launch.”)

    Why didn’t I go to a food bank? Because the bus system sucked and I couldn’t get everywhere I needed in the amount of time I had in the day. Additionally, I had no kitchen. No place to prepare food that isn’t ready made. The shelter did not allow me to store food.

    Government help and charities were definitely not enough, but it did help. A lot of people in charity were good people, but there were quite a few that were just plain nasty. At the shelter, I would get yelled at for following their rules and asking for my phone that they held at the front desk so I could get to my job for instance.

    It does not feel good when your family lets you down, your community lets you down, the government lets you down, and even the people that are supposed to fill in the gaps lets you down. Really makes you think that you are undeserving.

    You are right that some homeless people have a hard time finding a job. A lot of places will discriminate against you if you do not have a permanent address (and some will even look for addresses of shelters). If you went to jail, a lot of places won’t consider hiring you. And if course wages are just really low compared to cost of living.

    Yes, it is ok to feel bad for those people that don’t have what you have. That is human. Yes, some of them may have made some bad choices and some of them might not need the help. But a lot of those people are just victims of an uncaring system. If you do not help them (which is fine, it is not always possible), at least treat them with dignity. Being treated like a worthy person, rather than a second class citizen, means a lot to someone who society let down.

  • I’m going to come up with a neutral one here for you. Mostly so you can get better replies… I would need to do some research to find a name for it.

    Jess wants to draw a picture of a bird, using only red and black. She gets her art supplies out and finds she has no green markers. She cannot draw a picture of a green field without a green marker. Jess says she can’t draw her bird picture because she has no green marker.


    When Alan plays tennis, his knee hurts. Alan has a strange condition that his knee only hurts after he plays tennis. When his knee hurts, he has to put ice on it. He stops playing tennis for good. Alan needs to get a new refrigerator. One is affordable with no ice machine, but another is unaffordable and has an ice machine. Alan bemoans he can’t get the refrigerator he needs because he needs the ice machine for his knee.

    One of these?

  • Typically, I brush and floss before bed. In the morning, I will rinse my mouth out to get a lot of the bacteria from overnight out of my mouth.

    If I have the energy, I will brush about an hour after my morning snack and caffeine.

    If I don’t have the energy, I will rinse my mouth out after breakfast.

    I find rinsing my mouth out, while not as good as brushing, really helps freshen up my mouth.