• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yes, but no…

    For a basic user, who does not expect to be doing anything special beyond opening existing programs, or using programs downloaded from the package-manager its possible to never touch terminal.

    I have two kids who daily drive Manjaro based light gaming PC’s, they never touch the terminal, but they also dont administer their systems, I do.

    I do use the terminal, frequently for updates, and some specialized tasks like minecraft mods which require unpacking files and sometimes fixing permissions.

    So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

  • I will never suggest any form of equivalency because there simply is not one. The republican party is clearly a bad actor and comparing the democrats and suggesting they are in some way an equal evil is a ludicrous fallacy.

    But that does not mean that voting democrat is an imperative, nor that they become a valid choice because the “others” are invalid.

    The bulk of my voting power comes from republican primaries where I can have an outsized impact on which evil will get the chance to run, but beyond that my votes count for nothing.

    My point is simply that if the democrats actually cared about making a difference, they would not prop up dead candidates, they would not bend over backwards to help move the goal posts for the republicans. What they could really do is change the laws around how we vote, create automatic registration, make election days mandatory holidays with mandatory time off to vote, pass laws around campaign fiance and transparency. But they wont, because the same tools help them “win” and have power.

    Just look at Trudeau, who ran on a platform of voting reform in Canada, the second he had control he dropped that promise like it was radioactive. Why voluntarily break the system that put him and his party into power… It clearly worked for them before. Same logic applies to the dem’s in the US. They wont change the system, even while its being broken, because they still think it gives them a shot at power. We dont need power, we need actual population based representation and robust protection from corporate ownership of our government.

  • It does bother me, but its also something I cannot control. I try to remind myself in situations like that, that I am only responsible for my own experience.

    I cant control other people, but I can decide how I want to intemperate what has happened. I could choose to be mad, or hurt, or inconvenienced. Or, I can choose to pause, focus on my breathing, be mindful of myself and where I am putting my emotional energy.

    Being angry, and hurt is easy start but actually requires lots of energy to maintain. I dont really want to spend all my time and energy on things that are now in the past and I cannot change, so I try to change what IS in my control, and if I can I try to support the people I depend on so they can be there when I need them.

    it all sounds very woowoo and when your mad probably impossible, but like everything it requires practice. Start by stepping back, closing your eyes, breathing in and out slowly, then after like 15-30 seconds when you can engage your rational brain talk yourself through it. What could I have done differently, if it was not in my control then why am I choosing to intemperate it as malice or inconvenience? Can I or should I do anything different next time?

    Do something like this any time your feeling this way and it will become a tool that you can start to depend on, and something you do control!

  • I have an older 1970s house that has a similar problem more so since climate change has been increasing the amount of water dropped in a storm.

    The actual best thing is it get out the shovel and start digging. Installing a French drain and plumbing my gutter spouts and moving that out flow 15 feet away from the house fixed all my water issues.

    And while I was putting back the soil I ran new landscaping fabric to reduce weeds as well as to grade the 4 feet of surface next to the house.