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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • It is a truck. Not all trucks can drive in sand. It all comes down to driver skills and whatever tire is used on it. Who knows what tires the Ford is running.

    Shit, I have seen two identical cars with identical tires and except one had lower tire pressure. The lower tire pressure won every time.

    This is a stupid article designed for you guys to circlejerk on a brand. I mean enjoy the jerk. Elon deserves it. But don’t make it seem like it’s scientific. It’s just a circlejerk.

  • Yup, it was more of a deep dive into the engineering and thoughts about how he tackles difficult tasks. Just watched his recent video where he was pretty much a shitty mythbusters without the engineering or the lead up to the test. Just stupid countdowns to explosions.

    My wife was watching it with me and asked if that was a recap or was that the actual video? Because she felt it was so lacking compared to his earlier glitter bomb videos.