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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • “I would not consider my article legitimate research”

    Then why did you link it as an example? Nobody cares about what style of essay you like to write, this was clearly you trying to flex.

    I write actual research papers and I wouldn’t be so arrogant as to cite my own work (which actually does meet standards of research) as an example; you must just be really proud of that BS in psychology.

    “Know more than our greatest pilots and military personnel”

    Because they built the sensors and study atmospheric physics? You realise pilots, are pilots, not aeronautical or electrical engineers? Why on earth is their opinion magically more credible? Especially when the claim is completely contradictory to very well established physics. I fact I even gave a reason why their information is overwhelmingly likely to be faulty, due to atmospheric heating.

    Before anyone tries to engage in explaining complex physical phenomenon, they should try to have some knowledge about it. I would personally recommend reading a textbook on radar engineering and another in atmospheric physics which pretty much explains nearly every single illusion and sensory error possible.

    Since you clearly don’t have the intelligence to follow my recommendation, a simpler circumstance is investigating the second Gulf of Tonkin attack, where “the greatest pilots and military personnel” reported seeing attacking boats (including on sonar, a clearly infallible sensor) and bombed and torpedoed empty ocean. We know it was empty now, because the NVA records show that no ships were their.

    This isn’t to denigrate the people involved, it’s simply an notable example that sensors can fail, data can be misinterpreted and people can perceive objects that aren’t there especially if they have been told something’s there beforehand.

    FYI, fooling sensors into providing false data is a core part of military strategy, it’s the motivation behind ECM, low-altitude interdiction, etc.

    If you even remotely understood the topic you would realise that even the definition of UAP means absolutely nothing. If you have 10s of thousands of hours of sensor data over decades of course you’re going to have inputs you can’t map to physical objects, the fact that you can’t conclusively identify the source of the input doesn’t mean that it’s a magical object, or even a real one.

    There’s a reason why physicists and the military aren’t dedicating extraordinary amounts of time on these, because we all know it’s nothing.

  • I’m sorry what was I supposed to say?

    Your comment literally criticised by my argument on the basis that “It was just like Putin’s” which is not only false but completely irrelevant, who else shares my argument has no relevance to it’s accuracy.

    So how am I supposed to respond to such a viciously anti-intellectual claim? Is it really so unacceptable to request that you actually produce reasoning for your argument? At the very least to demonstrate that you are mentally capable of holding this conversation?

    FYI I never claimed that I was more knowledgeable than IR scholars, I said somewhat cheekily that you need to be educated (which you clearly aren’t) to effectively challenge my statement.

    It’s really sad when one has to explain the insult when the recipient party is too stupid to understand.

    “Can’t form a coherent thought”

    Again I’m going to need some evidence of this, the fact that you failed to understand a statement, does not make it incoherent.

    Unlike most people I actually do provide empirical and rational evidence for my core arguments, even the irrelevant insults. My intellectual standards are through the roof compared to you losers (losers because you are willingly too stupid and lazy, to actually learn empirical facts and provide arguments. See I just met a standard that you have still failed to meet).

  • “Your views are incoherent”

    That’s often what happens when you fabricate positions. For asking so many questions, you really had no problem jumping to conclusions when it suited you.

    My reason for saying that not all fertilised eggs have moral relevance, was NOT based on implantation, it was based on the very same criteria that pluripotent stem cells could have moral relevance. This is only tangentially related to the really egregious lie…

    “Then why is your aborted egg immoral but discarded stem cells aren’t”

    It isn’t. I already said that pluripotent stem cells ordered towards development of a grow person are morally relevant. You are flat out lying here.

    I was even the person who brought this up explicitly to point out that the fixation on fertilised eggs by you (and most lay philosophers especially the pro-life ones) was flawed. Do you even remember what I said about it? I brought it up to account for a very specific edge case that I think the fertilised eggs argument fails on. I don’t think you remember or even understand what I said.

    “By which you mean reasonable to me”

    No, I mean reasonable as in very likely to. I would say over 50 percent provided we do not intervene in lowering it, but arguing over the specifics of the amount is not a debate I was interested in getting into, and you are clearly unequipped to do so.

    “IVF clinic … I imagine a world”

    Again, nobody cares what YOU imagine.

    “You would also save the baby”

    This is indeterminate, you can’t actually know what my actions would be.

    I already gave an argument about why one’s actions in this circumstance would not be morally relevant, and you just ignored it without any reasoning besides “I think it would be crazy!”

    And yet again, this argument is presupposing that the baby is morally relevant but the embryos are not.

    “Bodily autonomy…despite it’s simplicity”

    So you have no idea how moral systems are constructed.

    The simplicity of a moral principle is not relevant. Saying “killing is good” is a very simple moral principle, that does not make it a strong or good principle.

    The importance of complexity is in situations where we derive a moral principle. Not the actual complexity of the moral principle

    We derive moral principles from simple situations to evaluate more complex situations.

    All of these arguments that you insist are only solved by a right to bodily autonomy, are better accounted for by minimisation of harm. You seem to try to reject it as “trying to estimate harm” or “societal consequences” but you give no reason as to why these should be rejected. I gave a very good reason why bodily autonomy should be rejected as a description (because it fails to account for many circumstances, and better descriptions already exist for the circumstances it does account for) and you have flat out refused to rebut it.

    FYI, the fact that it can be hard to estimate risk of total harm, does not mean that it is not the basis because there are obvious cases that are permitted with minimum risk and prohibited with high risk. In other words your arbitrary rejection likely relies on the continuum fallacy, but that is indeterminate because you never elaborated on why.

    “The only conclusion…for religious or social reasons”

    Yet again fabricating nonsense to make an argument (in this case poisoning the well).

    For your information my pro-life position is relatively recent (probably about the past year) and comes from trying to reason about my positions and actions more formally (since I already studied formal logic as part of my coursework). I used to be pro-choice and over time I realized that it involved carving out exceptions that we have no basis for (aka special pleading). I would also like to add as a centre-left atheist, I do not in anyway benefit socially or religiously from my positions. Infact I’m largely equally enemies with my political and religious compatriots based on their reasoning for positions even if I agree with the conclusion.

    While I think your argumentation is better than most people, you fundamentally didn’t understand many topics and arbitrarily rejected arguments without ever addressing the basis for them. All in all, it was a complete waste of a conversation/debate, but hopefully some other people will benefit from it.

  • “I’m not making the arguments you think I am.”

    1. You actively avoided making concrete arguments, instead fishing for a specific response exactly like I accused you of. I’ve debated literally hundreds of people who think exactly like you, I know all your arguments it’s extremely mundane. Like I already pointed out you willfully ignore any actual criticism.

    2. You 100 percent are making the arguments I said you were, you simply are ignoring my criticisms of them because it’s inconvenient for you.

    You blanketly assert that because rape is wrong therefore bodily autonomy is sufficiently strong to permit active killing? How does this follow? Do you not realise the radical distinctions between the circumstances?

    “A virtuous person should act (to save a drowning person”

    Why? If it is not morally good and there is no obligation to do good, then on what basis do you assert that it is virtuous? This is you attempting to reject a conclusion because it disagrees with permitting abortion via bodily autonomy.

    “I intuitively consider a 5-year old to be a person”

    Why? As I already pointed out intuition isn’t just a mere feeling, it involves a great deal of logical evaluation to determine which feelings are more valid than others. I spent a fair amount of time on this so for you to just reject it as “hurr-durr my intuitions tell me” is pretty insulting but expected from an uneducated person.

    FYI, nobody cares about your intuitions, we care about human intuitions. If you are some weird serial killer nobody is appealing to your specific reasoning but general human reasoning.

    “Using laws as proxy” Awfully convenient that you chose laws that concern a duty to rescue and not guardianship. If there is a contradiction in laws (as there often is) should we really be citing them to construct a non-contradictory moral system?

    “My rule of thumb as I said earlier”

    Where? You never said this, infact you have been deliberately cagey about not making any claims that I had to deduce your arguments from the questions you asked.

    It’s super dishonest of you probe for questions, while trying to hide your beliefs (poorly) and then ignore all the criticisms and rebuttals to popular arguments simply because you’re going to spam them at me and then refuse to listen to further refutations.

  • So your argument goes like this

    1. A total moron is a mentally handicapped person
    2. I am correct in calling you a total moron
    3. If 1 AND 2 is true, then I am insulting a mentally handicapped person


    1. People will not take me seriously making me irrational
    2. If premise 2 is not true, then I made a false statement

    Here’s where it fails, and I already warned you about this, calling someone “a total moron” is not a claim of mental handicap and hasn’t been for 60+ years it is a long deprecated medical term that is exclusively used as an insult towards the mentally competent.

    So premise one is actually false, everyone recognizes that premise 1 is false therefore premise 3 is also false. And neither of the conclusions you are trying to assert are correct.

    “with being so much smarter than me”
