
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I think someone else already mentioned it, but just to reiterate… Anything for other people who aren’t my wife and future kids.

    Password manager, file backups, photo backup, whatever.

    If something happens to me, or I pass away, wifey has instructions on shutting everything down (probably should write instructions on how to save all the important stuff).

    But I don’t want to deal with other peoples stuff. I like tinkering with my server and different docker containers, etc. So I don’t want someone complaining they can’t access their photos because I wanted to try something new. Also, just don’t wanna be responsible for storing their photos and important documents.

  • I’m trying this out right now with Kopia for docker, and I’m not the biggest fan of (seemingly) not being able to turn off the obfuscation, and making it do just a single .zip file or .tar or whatever. Also, having a hard time setting up drive integration with the GUI, but that’s just my fault. I’m not familiar with rclone or Kopia at all.

  • No honestly, this was very helpful!

    This, in combination with the solutions some others have suggested here already, would be pretty much what I want, just in multiple different parts, instead of 1 program/utility.

    I’ll def look into this, and honestly see if I can find a docker image for something like this as well!!

    Thank you so much!!!

  • Huh, the other comments show as deleted on my side? Strange.

    But it was a glitch of either Connect for Lemmy or of Lemmy itself! About 60-75% of the time I try to post a comment, it times out or whatever and I am under the assumption that it failed to post, so I click “post” again, and that’s how I end up with multiple comments haha.

    I’ve started just copying my entire comment, and backing out to check if it already posted when I get that error.

    Thanka for bringing it up! :) (Let’s see if this comment times out haha)