I am Lattrommi. Yes, that one. You’ve never heard of me? I’m not surprised. It is often said that anything you put on the internet will live there forever. It becomes immortal. I do everything backwards and wrong. I do not live forever, I am always dying. ¿|√∞²|?

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • All the naysayers in these comments read like shills and if they aren’t, they really should read how the tracking in question works. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/privacy-preserving-attribution?as=u&utm_source=inproduct

    While it was kinda lame for Mozilla to add it with it already opted-in the way they did, they were still completely open about how it works from the start with a link right next to the feature in settings (the same link pasted above) and it’s far less invasive than the other mainstream browsers.

    It can be turned off too, easily. It requires unchecking a checkbox. No jumping through 10 different menus trying to figure out how to turn it off, like a certain other browser does with its monstrous tracking and data collection machine.

    With ublock origin it’s also moot, since ublock origin blocks all the ads anyways.

    Call me a fanboy if you want, I wont care. Firefox is still the superior browser in my opinion.

  • lattrommi@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux middle ground?
    9 days ago

    I’ll throw in my vote for Manjaro because while it’s not perfect, it hits all of OP’s points nicely.

    • arch based
    • hard to break (but not impossible)
    • biased a little towards Gnome but runs KDE and XFCE great too
    • uses a curated rolling release

    The last point is the most important. Rolling release means it updates regularly, so your packages will be mostly up to date. Curated means they do testing in an unstable repository. If an update breaks something, those changes aren’t pushed to stable.

    I ended up with it after trying other distros but having trouble with my nVidia card. Manjaro’s MHWD tool installed their drivers easily (although slightly confusing with its unnecessary checkboxes) and more recently, I’ve upgraded to AMD and never had a single issue.

    It’s not perfect but almost every issue I’ve had was located between the keyboard and the chair.

  • lattrommi@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSnap out of it
    17 days ago

    this is probably an edge case but I do when i visit family and friends. these trips are short and infrequent enough that a laptop would be an unnecessary expense and i’m not driving through mountainous areas with my tower. none of them use linux. most have aged windows or mac machines. they don’t care if i run a live system or puppy linux from a USB drive. i add a handful of appimages i’ll use at night or if there’s free time. I’m sure there are better ways but it works for me.

  • Crime means breaking the law, correct?

    No location is named, so I will assume this refers the laws of physics and reality.

    I would:

    • expand time so that it lasts a near infinite duration, contained entirely within this day of no crime
    • transmute a bunch of the rocks in my apartment into gold
    • alter my DNA to include working wings like a bat, a prehensile tail like a monkey, gills like a salamander, enviromental adaptability like a chameleon that’s selective so I can hide these enhancements from others
    • one more enhancement related to a very specific part of the anatomy of a horse or blue whale, or whatever it is people want these days
    • remove all genetic defects of my body, like susceptability to cancer and addictions, grant it full immunity to diseases, put it into a perfect equilibrium with near instantaneous regeneration and longevity and thus allowing my life to last as long as I desire
    • create a star from nothing and collapse it in a way that stores all of its energy into a pocket sized battery with perfect functionality and adaptability that is nearly indestructable
    • hold hands with two chicks at the same time

    It’s fun to dream of the impossible.

  • yeah that looks exactly like what i wanted, thanks! i probably should have asked my question a couple years ago but i was still very new to linux and didn’t quite know the lingo. i’m still not quite sure how < works in general but i get the pipe and other redirects at least.

    putting it in .bash_logout doesn’t always work. something involving login shells i don’t quite understand yet but i’ll read more about it. i saw mention of putting exit_session() { . "$HOME/.bash_logout" } trap exit_session SIGHUP in .bashrc to make it always work but i also don’t understand trap yet either so i’ll look into that too.

    thanks again, your reply helped point me in the right direction of things i want to learn!

  • is there a way to save commands from history? i tried to figure this out when i was starting to use linux regularly, to help learn commands and to make a reference for myself as to what the commands do. i’m familiar with things like man, info, tldr and others but i wanted to put things in my own words since i remember better that way.

    what i’m wanting but can’t seem to automate: -save commands from bash history to a file with only the command and arguments used, no line numbers or time stamps. -filenames can be kept, but if filenames are removable easily, that would be better. -file saved in should have the list sorted with any duplicates removed and happen after any terminal session ends. -i’ve read about changing the prompt but not done it correctly and not sure if possible or the safest way. -i’ve tried using .bash_logout but it doesn’t seem to do anything and i’m not sure why.

    this isn’t too important anymore, as i’ve grown more comfortable with linux and bash but it bugs me that i never got it to work. i can copy and paste more detailed notes of what i tried but i’d need to redact a bunch of cursing and frustrated whining.

  • to reply to the question posed within the meme itself:

    using the same physics which allow the creature to exist, i would create a device that consists of reflecting and refracting matter, like prisms, echo chambers, mirrors and lenses, with the overall capability to reflect and project a distorted ‘circus mirror’ holograph version of the creature at a subatomic level, which appears to be an order of magnitude larger, directly behind it.

    then, when it turns around to face its new illusory foe, i would tie its shoelaces together.

  • i got my amateur radio license (U.S. technician) about a month ago at a big convention. i was thinking of suggesting the hobby to the poster but first read through the comments, to check if it were suggested already. your initial advice is probably better. i’m realizing i overloaded myself and burned out during the time leading up to the test and now i’m not entirely sure why i tried getting the license in the first place. i still don’t even have a radio. I think i wanted to learn more about electronics and one thing led to another. now my mind goes blank when i try to think about what to do. i’m not OP but found it to be good advice, thanks.

  • This setup isn’t what I use, i had wanted to try as many monitors that i had ports for and this was one result that worked.

    2 Sharp 18" tv’s at 60Hz, different models and one can’t do higher than 1280x720p so it was scaled 125%

    LG ultrawide 34" 100hz

    Asus 27" 75Hz

    Samsung 42" tv scaled to 75% but I couldn’t get its refresh rate to change. it’s supposed to do 120Hz but i only get 60 Hz

    since switching to wayland, i rarely have monitor problems and i love it, especially after switching to an AMD GPU. i had constant issues from my previous nvidia card.

    side note, i’m super poor and all of these except the LG were given to me by friends who no longer had use for them. many of these friends do website design and ask me how their sites look occasionally. they can emulate different screens i think but they’re probably trying to show off or they know i have a huge variety of screens i can test things with. I have at least 6 other monitors from 4 different brands in 3 sizes and 3 different native resolutions with 2 that do rates other than 60Hz. two are CRT’s. now i’m probably trying to show off.

  • sewing with a needle and thread. nothing complicated, the bare minimum is useful in a lot of ways.

    i keep a small kit in my car because my pants waistlines keep shrinking mysteriously and i’m starting to randomly lose buttons and getting blowouts in the crotch. [likely due to far-reaching, nefarious, conspiracies and not b/c of the other kit in my car that’s full of snacks].

    what used to be my crippling, irrational fear of inadvertently exposing myself at like a job interview or in an uber with a cute driver, is now an easy fix i can do in a minute AND it’s certain to make an impression.

    old winter jackets with a lot of zippered pockets are especially great practice. try unstitching and removing a few of the pockets, then add them to other jackets or whatever you can think of.

  • I have a similar, but different setup for similar, but different reasons. Some call it ADHD. That’s a terrible term for it but that’s another conversation. I get sidetracked easily, so multitasking is risky. When that happens, I forget everything. If I get distracted, it can lead to hours, if not days, of forgetting to do critical things like: sleep, bathroom, eat, bathe, reply to texts from friends, family, bosses etc. An innocent wikipedia link can cause me to lose a day or two. So I use the virtual desktops as a way to ‘break away’ from whatever meaningless distraction has pulled me away from whatever i was doing. More on that in a bit.

    Other important notes: I am left handed. I have rheumatoid arthritis. It effects both hands but my right hand is much worse. Keyboard shortcuts are not friendly to people who are left hand dominant. Keyboards period, are usually not left hand friendly. I have 2 monitors always and sometimes 3 or 4. I recently got an ultrawide and have been using just 2 lately. The 2nd monitor, the smaller one, is where I usually put things that are always running like chat clients, music player, daily agenda, timers for cooking etc. If I have a 3rd, it will have a text editor, firefox or things i read to assist with whatever i’m working on.

    I have 4 virtual desktops. They are arranged and named like so: | Main | System | | Art | Porn |

    Don’t let the names fool you.

    “Main” is what it sounds like. It’s where I do most of my work. It’s also where I keep my ‘to do’ list. The list keeps me organized somewhat. It’s a shortlist of important things I need to remember.

    The other 3 are where my biggest sources of distraction go.

    “System” is where I put anything related to the tools I use. This is not limited to the operating system, it includes software and hardware troubleshooting stuff but also things like the manuals for my car, planners for building computers, electronic schematics, health related stuff like insurance crap or research papers and plenty more. Stuff that I need to be operational. It’s also a week/month/year planner and where I keep phone numbers, notes for projects, all sorts of stuff.

    “Art” is mostly for image and video editing software. If I get frustrated by something, it becomes a vacation spot. A zen garden of sorts. Occasionally I will run “feh -rzsZFD 5 /path/to/my/shittyart” which starts a nice slideshow of images and watch it for awhile.

    “Porn” is for anything that is not important. This is where wikipedia lives if it’s not related to anything important. This is where the youtube videos go, that friends/family send me that i’m worried they will distract me. It’s more of a ‘to do later’ section. That’s part of the choice in name for the desktop, ‘do’ sometimes used as a euphemism for sex. Another way of putting it, it’s the “fuck that for now” desktop. Also, I quit watching TV and movies and also playing videogames, as a new year resolution back in 2020. This is where those things used to go. Also, this is where I watch porn.

    Keyboard: I remapped a lot of keyboard shortcuts. I wont list all of them, just the important/relevant ones. CTRL+[F1…F4] These switch to the virtual desktops. F1 is Main, F2 is System, F3 is Art and F4 Porn. CTRL+[top row 1…4] These send the currently focused window to the corresponding desktop. Most useful when I catch myself getting distracted by something. I can CTRL+4 to ‘throw it away for later’ Meta+top row 1/Meta+ top row 3 Moves current focused window left or right in regard to which monitor it is on. Meta+ top row 2 Maximize toggle focused window. Meta+4
    Meta+WSAD Tile ↑↓←→ F1 Application Launcher (because I don’t need help lol) F2 Window menu F3 Krunner F4 Yakuake toggle

    This allows me to use my left hand almost entirely by itself, useful when my right hand is locked and curled up in a clenched fist from the rheumatism. Another part of the reason I named the 4th desktop what I named it, because i’ve become really good at typing with one hand.

    There are a lot of F row combinations that are unused. F5-F8 with shift, alt, meta and ctrl can be done with either hand once you do it a few times and understand how your hand can reach them. F5 alone is refresh. meta+f5 and f6 do mouse focus stuff i don’t really understand or use. I don’t use or know of any programs that use any combinations of them. To me it means there are 30+ shortcuts that could be made if i include shift+another modifer key.

    I also made caps lock the 3rd level chooser, pause/break the compose key, mousewheel on the desktop switches desktops, mousewheel on the titlebar of any window moves that window and switches desktop, alt+menu (the keyboard menu button) and crtl+menu to open the emmoji picker and special character select dialogues.

    I originally designed this with the KDE desktop cube switcher. It really helped the ADHD aspect of things. Something about being able to mentally ‘put stuff on the cube’ helped keep me focused. The visualization itself also worked as a distraction, one that I could use to help break away from my distractions. Convoluted way to do things, I know. Losing that silly cube animation really messed me up for awhile. I can’t wait for it to return, although I doubt it will have the same functionality.

    Like you mentioned at the end, I am probably forgetting to talk about something.

    This is a low quality gif I made, when I was first working out the shortcuts and stuff. Felt relevant.


  • Here’s a scenario: You have the password to my paypal account. The police arrest me for an unrelated public indecency charge after I urinate on the local government courthouse building. The account is then used to purchase illegal drugs from another country while I am in custody. Having no access to my account or the internet, I could not have made the purchase. The police learn of this purchase when customs detects a strong odor from a package and decide to inspect it, finding a massive hoard of marijuana and jenkem. the police are alerted and ask me, the account owner, who else has access to the account. Me, under duress and probably having shitty withdrawals, tell them everything i know about you, specifically things that might implicate you. As the only known person with access and having no alibi for the time period, you are then arrested for suspicion of involvement in an international crime ring. After searching your computer they find a VPN and TOR and then you are sequestered in a secret military prison and forced to do the chicken dance naked until you confess to every unsolved crime ever.

    While this scenario might be far-fetched, hyperbolic and not really accountability per se, it is a plausible worry some people may have. Just playing devils advocate here.

  • I do the same somewhat but mostly just repurpose things and rarely sell stuff. I think it’s insane to see the things that some people throw away. I found a computer in the trash once, which was better than my system at the time. Sure, much of it was broken beyond repair (the RTX 2060 GPU most notable, as I was using a GTX 960 at the time) but the case, PSU, fans and an SSD I still use to this day.

    The act of breaking down things to their core componants is one of my favorite ways to relax and helps me troubleshoot things when they inevitably break down.

  • lattrommi@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDeleted
    11 months ago

    To add to this/sum it up: the more you have on your profile, the higher the chance it has a dealbreaker.

    Think of it in twitter context. If it takes longer than ~7 seconds to read, you are losing half your audience.

    Disclaimer: i’m single but have been making online dating profiles for 20 years. also i’ve never had a twitter and the stats i made up and have no proof or source behind them.