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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • surely you are able to provide reputable sources

    Sure :)

    what makes the Ukrainian government illegitimate

    This articles describes exactly my thoughts on this opinion: https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/the-end-of-zelenskys-legitimacy/

    when it has kidnapped its own civilians and forced them to fight

    Every day!
    It doesn’t get shown in the western media, but if you subscribe to the local channels of big cities (Kiev/Odessa/Lviv/Kharkiv/etc.), or basically any sources actually covering what’s happening in Ukraine (in Ukrainian or Russian language), you will see videos of TCK (I dunno how to properly translate it, but that’s the government-military organization that does the kidnapping) posted almost every single day, people are caught on the streets and forcibly put into vans. Sometimes people manage to escape them, sometimes the crowd helps fight TCK off, but more often then not they get successfully kidnapped. Some villages got almost every men kidnapped that way (because previously they were scared to operate in big cities and preferred villages, but now they don’t give a shit about anything).
    A very small portion of that is documented here: https://uadraftmuseum.ch/

  • What country are you from?

    I’m from Ukraine. You can find a little bit more info about that in my other comments - but TLDR is that thankfully I have left it before the war started, some of my family managed to escape it (illegally of course, going through the occupied territories and then through Russia, it’s a mass prison now for most of the men there), but some are still trapped and trying to not get caught by the government, because if they do (and don’t have enough money for a bribe), they will be sent to the front lines and probably die.

    I don’t see any fascist comments in your profile

    Cool, thanks, glad to see someone here with whom it’s possible to have a conversation without getting called a fascist :)

    but you do seem extremely pissed off that Ukraine is defending itself from Russia.

    I am not pissed about Ukraine defending itself from Russia. I absolutely support the right of everyone, both people and nations, to defend themselves against an invader! I also never said that Russia are the good guys (and yet, I’m getting labeled Russian propagandist/bot as well, just saying that Russia invaded Ukraine and there is a war is a punishable offense in Russia for which I’d be sitting in jail 🤷). The problem is, it’s not “Ukraine defending itself from Russia”.
    There is this propaganda from Zelensky’s regime that we are all volunteering to defend our country against “orcs”, and he is the hero that leading us into this battle. This is as far from the truth as it gets. We want peace, which he doesn’t even try to achieve (and why would he? War is what allows him to stay in power and steal millions, or likely billions of dollars). His regime needs to resort to kidnapping people on the streets and sending them to the front-lines to die. Some are refusing this and are getting sent to prisons where they are tortured. Some are trying to escape by the mountains/rivers and are dying while trying to do so. So yeah, what I’m pissed about is that the current government, supported by the west, may kill my family or my friends any day now, just like they already killed tens/hundreds of thousands already.
    If it was like Zelensky’s propaganda is saying where we are defending our country, and our country was not turned into a mass-prison, I’d be sending donates to AFU every freaking month. But in this reality, any support for the current government of my country is equivalent to supporting my family/friends getting killed, and as you can imagine I am not going to do that, and trying to discourage everybody else from doing so.

  • I bet you blame the Palestinians for the bombing of Raffa.

    Well, you’ve just lost your bet. I condemn both the genocide of Palestinians (done by the USA through Israel), and the genocide of Ukrainians (done again mostly by the USA through Ukrainian government. Damn, those guys really do like massacring people all around the globe :/, almost like they are the bad guys, hm…).

    You would blame World War II on the Polish.

    Nope, I don’t, good thing you didn’t make a bet on it, otherwise you’d lose two bets in a row.
    But I do blame Poland for participating in massacring Ukrainians though. In fact, Poland is among the worst offenders! It helps “heroes” of Ukrainian border guard to catch those who try to escape Zelensky’s meatgrinder, who then get sent straight to the meatgrinder… For that reason, people mostly escape to Romania. Thankfully, Romania is not as sadistic as the rest of the democratic & free world.

  • I’m hearing this argument over and over again, yet for some reason no one can explain whether giving up land to an invader is always unacceptable, or are there some exceptions? Maybe it’s how long ago the land was taken?
    I suspect it’s the latter, and this time period is greater than 10 years (because Crimea is still “rightfully Ukrainian”, right?), but less than a few hundred years (because all the other invaded territories now “rightfully belong to the invader”.
    You do understand that almost every piece of land on this planet, that belongs to country A, was conquered from another country B (or from a tribe B if we go long enough into the history, or from family B if go even further, or from some other entity if we go even further)?
    Should Poland invade Ukraine to retake Lviv?
    Should Finland invade Russia to retake Karelia?
    Should Mexico invade USA to retake California?
    Should every country in Europe invade every other country in Europe because they all hold some territories that belonged to a different country some time back?

  • Ukraine will continue to fight for what is rightfully theirs

    Out of curiosity, how do you define rightfully in that case?
    If that “rightfully” is defined as “they owned it before”, how long ago does it go? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Or just for as long as it is convenient for you? Should Mongolia try to reconquer all the territories it once owned?
    Or is it “rightfully” as in “recognized in international law”/“defined by UN” or something like that? In that case, you surely agree that China should fight for Taiwan, right?

  • Pretty sure Russia “kidnaps” (conscripts) a hell of alot more than Ukraine does.

    Russia does have conscription which is totally immoral and wrong as well, but it does not kidnap people into army (or at least does not do that on a scale nearly close to Ukraine).
    Ukraine literally does kidnapping (catching people on the streets, running after them and using force to put them into vans/etc. Some people manage to self-defend with pepper-sprays, or outrun them or sometimes got protected by a crowd of people, but those are the lucky ones).
    Source: uadraftmuseum.ch, and if you search comments on this post you’ll see another guy posting a link to nytimes (a western media!) talking about the same, but it is paywalled and I cannot read it so I won’t repost it.

    Russia also beating Ukrainians in the occupied territories

    Yes. Note how I never said that Russia are the good guys. There are no good guys, everybody commits warcrimes (Including Ukraine, USA, and all the other countries that are currently considered good guys by the mainstream media). I am just saying that people in Russia (including Ukrainians on occupied territories) have unimaginably more freedom than people in Ukraine.

    forcing them to become Russian citizens

    I included a source for my claims, surely you have a source for your claims? There was another article here on lemmy about nuclear power plant where “everything is going terrible right now, because only the intelligent Ukrainians know how to operate it, and they are not allowed to work on it because they have refused to accept Russian citizenship”. So which one is it, are they forced to become Russian citizens or not?

    either forcing them into fighting against their own country or ship them off to some labour camp never too be seen again.

    Which is so much different from what Ukraine does, right? Or in case of Ukraine it’s all alright because the west supports it, but in case of Russia it’s barbaric?
    Btw, any source on “ship them off to some labour camp never too be seen”? I suspect you might have confused history of USSR with current events.

    Do you think they are “free” to leave Russia?

    Literally, yes. Some of my family (but unfortunately not everyone, because lately escaping this west-supported mass-prison is almost impossible) managed to escape Ukraine by going to occupied territories, and from there to Russia itself, and then they just left Russia and went wherever they wanted. (Obviously nobody here would believe that I’m actually Ukrainian, because as we all know all Ukrainians are happy to die in the meat grinder while screaming “for the glory of Zelensky, my only master”, and those who want their family and friends to stay alive are Russian bots, so you can replace “my family” with “many Ukrainians” if that will make it easier for you to read).
    Do you have any sources claiming otherwise?

  • That’s not freedom.

    Have you read what I’ve written? Let me quote myself again:

    Ukrainians who failed to escape Ukraine don’t really have a choice other live in fear that today might be the day they (or their family) get kidnapped and sent to the army, or try to escape and get caught by “heroes” of the border patrol who carefully watch that nobody escape the meat grinder (unless they give them a hefty bribe).

    You’re absolutely right about Russia having problems you’ve described, I’ve never said Russia is a good place to live (except when comparing to current situation in Ukraine) but in Ukraine people are getting kidnapped and sent to die! Literally! How can you even compare those two things?
    If you don’t like what happens in Russia - you can just leave. You are not a hostage! If you like Ukraine so much - go buy a ticket and join army as a volunteer.
    If you don’t like what happens in Ukraine - you can’t do anything! You are not allowed to leave country, don’t even dream about going to Russia! You can’t even come close to a border! You are treated worse than a street dog! You can only try to hide from the government until it gets overthrown or until somehow the war ends.