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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Luke@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlSimple FOSS GUI for Python
    1 month ago

    I’ve historically used PySide (the free-license version of Qt) but for simple stuff like you’re looking for, you might get some mileage out of the Toga GUI toolkit. It’s relatively new, but promising.

    I’ve actually been pretty impressed with the whole suite of BeeWare stuff in my informal testing so far; it’s a nice little bundle of tools. (Specifically I’m interested most in their distribution approach; building Python apps for distribution is a giant fucking pain, but this group seems to have improved the experience significantly.)

  • KDE Connect should fit the bill; despite the name, you don’t need to be using KDE (or Linux even) since there are clients for every major OS, even mobile.

    Among many other cool features, it lets you easily and simply just send a file from one device directly to another on your local network. I use it all the time to send photos from my phone to my desktop without plugging anything in, for example.

  • One possible interpretation is that autistic individuals can sometimes tend to go a bit overboard when finding a new hobby. We will sometimes find a new topic so engaging that we develop a “special interest” in it and spend days/weeks delving into every possible piece of information and niche knowledge available about that topic, considering all the implications and what-ifs and following all the informational leads.

    Spending merely the minimum time required (which in this example is apparently 5 days) to get proficient is harder to estimate because an autist may instead need to spend weeks learning everything. Or, they might not.

  • KDE Connect (FREE, open source) is definitely a gem. I love using my phone as a remote mouse and keyboard for my HTPC, and syncing clipboard, files, links, and notifications with the other devices I’ve paired with. (BTW, despite the name, you don’t need KDE - or Linux even - to use it. It works on Windows and Android too.)

    URLCheck (FREE, open source) is fantastic. It’s a little pop-up that appears when you click a link, showing you the full URL and letting you modify it before you open with your browser/associated app (e.g., to remove tracking parameters):

    URLCheck acts as an amazingly customizable and powerful intermediary when opening url links, allowing, among other things: to remove trackers, affiliate links, unnecessary elements, check Hosts, facilitating link holding and sharing, protecting against certain phishing techniques and many more…

  • It is massively naive to think that zero of the people who are students right now will ever do sex work at some point in the future. Some of them definitely will. Even if you don’t agree that sex work is valid and honorable work (which you clearly don’t agree with) there’s no way to stop people from doing it despite how vilified or illegal it is in any society.

    Given that reality, a course teaching people how to avoid the dangerous elements of a job that some of those people will eventually do, sounds like a great course. Having a sex worker who knows WTF she’s talking about teach it? That’s fucking amazing.

  • The person who called your suggestion “trash” was definitely being needlessly antagonistic, I’m with you there. There’s no reason why you making a helpful suggestion that isn’t 100% perfect deserves responses like that. At least you’re trying to help, they’re just being an ass.

    people are acting like GrayJay is somehow worse than completely closed-source software that they use every day

    I think it’s more that people think of it in terms of what kind of software do they want to add to their daily habits? Regardless of whatever apps they use already that are privacy nightmares, the goal is probably to try only adding new apps that are great for privacy. It’s not necessarily hypocritical to not have replaced everything yet, and still refuse to install new privacy concerns, even if they are less concerning than existing apps.

  • Hexbear in particular has been annoying in the past with nonsense comments from users there, and so many unhelpful replies that are just a tiny animated image and nothing else. I’m not even sure they actually are leftist as much as just trolls a lot of times, so I’ve blocked the instance in general so that serious leftist conversations aren’t being drowned out by that nonsense.

    If it looks like someone from hexbear (such as yourself here) is making a real contribution then I’ll reveal that comment and engage. It’s a shame there are so many goofballs on that instance, apparently. Maybe their moderation has improved though?