Any sanitation worker, sewage diver, drain block remover, in most of the third-world countries.
We need city drainages to be repaired, cleaned, maintained, and managed with draconian safety, extremely well-compensated, hazardpay up the wazoo workers comp and complete-healthcare all covered for life. So many workers are just abused for the lifeline work that keep a city’s arteries from getting clogged and flowing smoothly.
I saw how Korean drain-workers do it with high-pressure water jets and incredible efficiency and knowhow talent of their vital job. I wish we didnt have the corruption that prevents this type of training, trained worker, worker pride in the essential labour that they do.
Same goes for recycling and reducing waste. We humans don’t do nearly enough and the Top-20 major corporations that cause 80% of worldwide pollutants go unchecked and unpunished.
It is the same/similar problem that Nokia/Maemo and Sailfish/merOS have all had.
Some things are binary-blobs + NDAs and many things are still locked, the OSS community can only do so much before they hit the commercial roadblocks.
We need a complete CoreBoot + OSS silicon-chips + OSS firmware + all-community / all-commercial dual production lines.
The open-source-based company should be able to sell both the commercial locked-version and the oss-all-unlocked-version with the ability to switch infinitely between the two models.
But the world of electronics rarely will ever work or reach that level of interoperability , repairability or recycling this way. Not for a long time maybe in some distant future.