• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Varoufakis likes to position himsetas a sage. Someone that “saw it coming and warned everyone but nobody listened”. He likes to pop back and pretend he had solutions or influence but the world just conspired against him.

    I don’t know if he’s wrong on this one. I do know he often sprays a bunch of doomsayer predictions and only reviews the ones he was vaguely in the same ballpark for. He’s the classic embodiment of the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy and, naturally, a lot of people want to believe what he’s pedaling. If he sells a few books or gets paid to give speeches here and there then so be it. After all… he did warn us.

  • A Labour government is, of course, preferable to the Tories. However they too are a Unionist party and not likely to agree to another referendum from Holyrood.

    They’d be better to chip away at the two main cases for Scottish independence: 1) Closer and closer ties to the EU if not rejoining in some form (EEA membership for example) 2) hatred of the English by being more collaborative with Scotland in the running of the UK.

    These two things might weaken the case for another referendum.