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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • As a huge fan of the movie (and books) I kind of agree. I have managed to watch it in full only handful of times. I usually fall asleep mid-movie.

    Having said that, I still love it. It also helps me fall asleep sometimes, so win-win. But I get what you’re saying.

    One thing that’s probably worth keeping in mind is that the movie was made before the manned moon landing in 1969. So many of the scenes are super interesting just from the realism POV. Today we’re one click away from a HD video someone made at the international space station. Back then you had few grainy transmissions from space. Star Wars was almost decade later.

    So yeah, seeing ship slowly floating across the screen in complete silence is boring, but it’s also realistic. Same for many other scenes. Now you can play games that will render the same scene in real time on a potato-level PC, so the novelty of seeing “how space might look like out there” is just not there.

    So in many ways it’s like seeing the bullet time scene in Matrix for the first time vs seeing the bullet time scene in any random movie decade later.

  • The example even used unwrap_or_else where they should use unwrap_or. Then it uses std::i64::MIN as fallback value where they could use something like 0 that would be a better example and honestly make more sense there.

    let parsed_numbers = ["1", "not a number", "3"]
        .map(|n| n.parse().unwrap_or(0))
    // prints "[1, 0, 3]"
    println!("{:?}", parsed_numbers);

    Even without trimming this to something less convoluted, the same functionality (with different fallback value) could be written in more readable form.

    Obviously in the context of the page something like this would make way more sense:


    Or perhaps more idiomatic version of the above:


  • FYI president in many eastern European countries is just a ceremonial figure without much actual power. It’s kind of like the king in UK.

    The real power is in the hands of the government and its prime minister.

    So when the article mentions that the president signed the law, he effectively does not really have any options not to sign it once it was approved by parliament. Outside of very specific cases. For example if he had a good reason to suspect the law is unconstitutional he could have the constitutional court decide whether it’s okay. And if it is, he’d have to sign it.

  • I don’t have much experience with TS, but in other strongly typed language it goes even further than string vs number.

    For example you can have two numbers Distance and TimeInSeconds and even though they are both numbers, the type system can make sure that you won’t do distance+time.

    It can also let you do distance/time and return Speed type.

    It will prevent many logical errors even though everything is technically a number.

  • Something that were already seeing with Slovakia cutting all aid to Ukraine and taking a ‘war is bad, negotiate peace’ stance that is a blatant and thinly veiled Russian supportive line.

    Keep in mind that Fico is lying populist. He is very vocal about ending support for Ukraine, but then ends up supporting budget that includes help for Ukraine.

    He’s very dependent on EU money. Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas very correctly pointed out to reporters that Hungary often said one thing to the media and did another thing behind closed doors. Fico is exactly the same.

    Any military equipment Slovakia could send is already in Ukraine. And any future financial help will be approved by Fico after making loud claims in the media how he’ll stop any and all support. Or pretend that the support is only humanitarian. (But obviously money is money, we can easily pretend the 1% of the overall budget that Slovakia sent was used for… …uh… …fuel?)