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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • The problem is that for many folks the amount they are making isn’t enough for them to live a very reasonable life AND they have nothing to invest in the first place. Suppose a household in a given area needs $100,000 to afford a VERY modest house in that area, health insurance, savings, healthy food etc. Now suppose the house has one disabled breadwinner and one fellow working for $40,000.

    Because of this they live in shit town in a tiny apartment a building full of drug addicts in a not so great part of the state wherein the average life expectancy is about 10 years less than one of the good parts of the country.

    The first 40k of “excess” would be spent on having a decent life, working a sane number of hours, moving into an actual home. For fully half the country the idea of having excess is laughable. It’s a crass joke.

  • if the election was stolen … Trump’s actions to retain power were not only justified, but also imperative, and very much within the scope of his duties as president

    Nope this doesn’t follow. It would just mean that both actions would be equally illegal. There is no provision in law for one to break the law in order to remedy breaking the law.

    you can argue there’s room for “better to ask for forgiveness than permission” in that context.

    This actually basically never applies in real life. In real life we let the criminal off rather than incentivize breaking the law by declaring evidence so gained as fruits of a poisonous tree.

    If you’re not sure whether there’s been a crime but there’s a massive time pressure and extremely high stakes (as would be the case if the election was actually stolen), you would need to act as if there was a crime

    In the almost mythical stereotypical ticking time bomb scenario where morality can only be served by breaking the law the right thing after the bomb is diffused is to attempt to punish both cop and criminal. The cop in that scenario isn’t above the law their actions are a willing sacrifice of their own well being in service of a higher good.

    if you investigate, and there’s a crime, you’ve saved the world; if you investigate and there is no crime, then you will go to jail for it. That’s a bit unfair – so, a warning that, if you investigate this and there’s no crime, then you’re going to jail, might’ve been called for.

    He did investigate. There were 60 some cases including in GA. There was a recount and so forth. None of this was a crime.

    The crime was threatening the SOS and trying to get the SOS or other officials to “fix” the election after he lost. The crime was getting fake electors to swear on lawful papework that they were lawfully chosen electors.

    None of this is even slightly legit. It is as obviously illegal as dealing heroin or hiring a contract killer. Nobody is required to discern the nature of your criminal conspiracy and warn you that you are plotting to commit a crime.

  • “Granny” has evolved. In 1985 granny at the tender age of 60 was born when 65% of households didn’t have electricity and she came of age when the height of sophistication was the typewriter.

    In 2010 granny saw computers become a thing when she was 40 become usable by 55 and pervasive at work by the time she retired.

    In 2024 granny saw computers become a thing right when she became an adult. Her kids had them. She used them. By the time she was 46 they were literally everywhere and unavoidable

    By 2034 granny saw computers become a thing when she was a kid and they were everywhere by her early adulthood.

    This isn’t an argument against GUIs which are in fact useful but lets not pretend everyone is an idiot either. Honestly I don’t find googles GUI for managing android apps even slightly usable as far as finding software either. I always end up searching on an actual search engine, finding the exact app I need and then installing it. Android with its mega millions of users doesn’t have a better ux than apt.

  • Shoplifting is a real and increasing problem and looking at how many cases are reported is a nonsensical metric because microscopically few issues are ever reported. I have seen this first hand and a huge uptick started well before the pandemic. The actual accelerator is the ease of monetizing gains with the rise of online marketplaces most specifically Facebook.

    Once upon a time the prime way to monetize would be to sell to people like pawn shops or used goods shops willing to pay 1/4 of sticker. The only things reasonably monetizable was singular high dollar figure items like expensive tools.

    Then craigslist came into being but buying such goods was inherently skeevy and your target market was inherently small and it took a lot of time per item. Again the only monteizable items are singualr high dollar figure items where it’s reasonable to spend a half hour to an hour per item meeting up. Again prices are expected to be a fraction of sticker.

    Fast forward to online markets. Now you can get the majority of sticker with payment processing and shipping and tap with a few online stores into a massive portion of the populace. Now anything that isn’t insanely specific can be moved easily just list it and wait for your online shoppers to put it in their cart and take your outgoing ill gotten gains to the post office. A goddamn idiot can do it.

    If you work at a store and you pay attention you can see the people you are used to see stealing selling your stores shit online. To anyone really paying attention it’s completely fucking obvious. It changes the incentive structure.

    If you go to a store you will notice stores doing a LOT more to make theft less trivial. All the expensive shit and some that isn’t that expensive is behind cages, there is more loss prevention, more security in places, more prosecution of organized losers. This money isn’t spent for no reason. There are more assholes coming through and its usually the same cadre of assholes and a substantial minority are absolutely willing to threaten workers if called out.

    Fuck shitty people.