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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • No matter how you slice it, there’s a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

    Why do they keep insisting that we are the ones that are wrong? The economy isn’t their numbers. The economy is a real thing, proper operation of which ensures well fed people.

    The purpose of an economy is to fond optimal distribution of resources for people. Ultimately it’s people that need all the things, right? Either things are materials to produce things for people, or products useful to help other products reach people.

    If the people think that’s not working, it isn’t working. They’re not just parroting what they see on the news, they’re living day by day, minute by minute in this environment. They see what day to day life costs for them. They’re wrong but the eggheads tracking the over fitted model are right? When a measure becomes a goal it ceases to be a good measure, that’s where the disconnect is. If you want to fix the economy then quit pretending your metrics are more important than people’s standard of living.

  • Well I think relativity tells us something more fundamental, that the world emerges as interactions from relative frames of reference, even in the quantum realm. It’s easy to forget, every single thing going on is a quantum system with astronomical complexity, complexity of a system is the square of the number of quantum states in the entire system. A molecule is a quantum system, a cell is a quantum system, a tree is a quantum system, a tree rustling in the wind is a quantum system. A person interacting with another person for example is entangling those systems and is itself another quantum system. And I don’t think entanglement is a binary thing, it’s a thing of degree and quality. You’re influenced by everything in your light cone, even if you’ve never directly observed a specific star for example, you still interact with it to some degree, you’re a part of a quantum system composed of the entire observable universe, and even part of the unobservable one. Once you observe it, now your interaction is more than that. You can picture it in your mind, look for it again later, tell people about it. If you could orbit it, or touch it, you’d get entangled with it even more. I think a lot more about our experience than what we realize consciously is quantum phenomena, I think we experience these phenomena directly but we just take for granted those experiences and don’t realize what they are fundamentally, just like someone who doesn’t understand gravity doesn’t realize that the experience of falling from a tree is the same force as the one that keeps the planets moving around the sun.

  • If we aren’t there yet, no point in believing it’s true. It’s like believing in god because we don’t have the technology to prove or disprove god. We can’t believe something that’s not currently falsifiable, we have to disbelieve it until we see evidence of it. I don’t think we are in a simulation.

    I do think though that if it were true it could be detected with current capability, just that, if it is true, nobody has drawn the conclusion and investigated it yet. And information leaking in or out could be anything. The expansion rate increase of the universe could be energy leaking into the simulation. The speed of light could be a hard limit in the outside environment or something like a “clock speed” of the machine the simulation is running on. A slowly changing constant of nature, it could be anything. If it is true, there are indicators we are probably detecting, it’s just that we haven’t figured out what they’re indicating.

  • Information comes out of black holes. That’s the whole point of the Hawking radiation thing. And information enters, obviously. Also those few basic measurements are information. Black holes are falsifiable and detectable.

    Causality inside black holes is not like causality out here, but it does exist. Once you enter, there’s only one direction you can go, no matter what you do. The outcome of everything was decided the moment you touched the event horizon. That outcome is that you will eventually evaporate as hawking radiation.

    I’m not glossing over the point. I’ve already addressed the crux of it. An environment in which systems can be totally isolated cannot function in any conceivable way as a universe. Everything inside would not be able to interact at all. It would be more like a substrate on which universes exist, if an environment can be isolated that does not allow for anything inside it to be 100% isolated.