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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • It really hasn’t though. When I was a kid if you went to a restaurant and tried to get special requirements they’d just tell you to go somewhere else if you didn’t like it.

    All this allergy sensitivity stuff in good service emerged within my lifetime.

    And I agree, why would we ever expect that sort of responsibility to be left in the hands of under paid under trained fast food workers?

    Sure, in a perfect world we could train them all perfectly, but it’s not a perfect world, if someone can kill you that is harmless to everyone else, it’s on you to take precautions. Get your coffee black and doctor it yourself or something. Or trust a random teen who doesn’t really understand what is on the line, it’s up to you.

  • because the private company should create as much profit for the owners as possible - it has to be as lean / efficient as possible.

    Yeah but no. It would be if the owner/shareholders weren’t skimming of the top. The process may be lean but the pricing is designed to maximize and take as much as the market will bear. Which undoes the benefit the efficiency could bring to a public service.