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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • First, thank you for sharing your perspective. > one useful innovation by providing an alternative system for digital transactions over the web

    From my perspective this is exactly proves my point. Blockchain and crypto are solving their own problems.

    As for Wakfu. From what I was able to “research” from open sources on this topic, they were blacklisted because they didn’t want to fix their payment processing system. Their payment processing was not working correctly, users complained to the PayPal and credit card payment processing companies and this got them blacklisted. And they did added crypto yes, but I don’t see how much this actually saved them, as I can find an open financial reports for that.

    What I can see is that they are fixed their payment system, somehow (as forums are still contains user woes for payments not processed). If you have more sources on this problem/solution with Wakfu, please share I would very much like to know more.

  • Why can’t there be a normal P2P project handling exchange of information and/or modern fiat in the same way (Something like Paypal, but transactions have no middleman)?

    Firstly because money is a physical, cultural and social construct so it can’t be changed on purely informational basis. Someone still need to share burden of proof and they want to be compensated for the labor. So until we get a StarTrek replicators (mean we remove need to spend money on basic need and survuval of whole human race) this is a state we are in.

    In short blockchain and crypto don’t solve any real world problem. It solves problem that it itself creates.

    I can sell you amazing knife and it will fix the world hunger, but only if you can buy bread and sharpen the knife. This is crypto sell point in the nutshell.

    Blockchain is little different as it solves the problem of provable chain of evidence, but it is not economically viable due costs needed to run it for organisations that require it. Any problem that blockchain can solve require that all information for this will be stored on blockchain. And physical object information is not stored on blockchain, so data input errors/malpractice is still the problem and this reduce blockchain effectiveness to the basically zero.

    Dan Olson aka foldablehuman have an amazing series of video essays regarding all the crypto blockchain and web3 scam running around. I highly recommend them. It just a sea of information regarding current state of things with crypto/blockchain business.

  • Learn to talk to people and maintain connections. It is most invaluable skillet that will help you both carreer wise and professionally. The more people you know the better it is for your carreer. Learn to present yourself. Visibility matters very much, so it also good to “sell yourself” sometimes. There is really fine balance between making a sell and just bragging, people don’t like second, but okay with first. Learn to teach other people and help them. Most troubleshooting experience I get now is from helping other people. They have a completely different way of doing code that I am (as a whole) and I am just getting this free xp by helping them and also adding one more trouble to my personal solution cupboard.

    As for technology, pick what you like and master it, but also make a peeks at what is currently “in vogue”. For example I really have no depth knowledge in the current frontend space, but I did take a passing looks (and build simple tutorial projects) with react, angular and dart. It didn’t really required a much effort from me, but this helped in the long run to be aware.

  • Just a note by setting up a 30 hours home project you effectively removing “people with lives” from your hiring pool. People who can do a 30 hours either have a lot of freetime currently, or code after the job. And if you really want those people in the team then go ahead, but you are missing on 8 to 5 crowd and that is a very good and diverse talent pool. From my experience 8 to 5 minded people are very good in solving tasks in sustainable manner. They just don’t have time to fuck with the system and doing effective “dont-call-me-at-night” solutions.

    if you are doing a lot of interviews you need a common set of questions and measures and this take a lot of time and effort to setup.

    Personally I would suggest to setup interview as a two parter first ask some theoretical questions and then ask to create a simple code with simple problem related to the questions. This helps to find out if people are really understand what they talking about. This again require a lot of thought to setup an to have small practical tasks relevant to the questions.

    For example in most recent interview I asked candidate about algorithm complexity, data structures, garbage collection and then asked them create a simple dictionary to store a hierarchical structure. This helped to see if candidate knows what he is talking about and can use his knowledge in practise. I have seen a lot of people without good theoretical knowledge, but they create a code that is good and working despite their gaps and other way is also correct people have a good theoretical knowledge but fails to apply it in practice.

    So figure out who you are searching for. Create an ideal checking solution for their skills and start combing the desert. There is no shortcuts in hiring, sadly.