• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Just to make absolutely sure: you are POSITIVE that the device you’ve been renting is a MoCA-WAN router, and NOT a cable modem?

    In the US at least, most of the single-unit devices that receive a coax input are DOCSIS 3.x, not MoCA. They are combining two pieces of hardware in a single physical unit: a docsis modem and a router.

    Prior to having fiber internet, when my provider was Comcast, I owned two separate devices instead of renting the single device from my ISP: a DOCSIS 3.1 modem from Arris, and a standard Ethernet router

    Just want to make sure you are absolutely confident about what your ISP is actually providing before you spend money on new hardware :)

  • I’m genuinely not looking for an argument. My original comment was “yup, this isn’t for me, because it’s too much time/effort”. It only became an argument of sorts when person after person came in to try to tell me why I was wrong for feeling that way?

    Like, I get it. There are different variants and options and arch is mostly for people who want to tinker.

    But my original comment was literally just “well, this post confirms what I suspected: arch probably isn’t for me because I don’t have the time”. I didn’t intend to be pejorative with the term ‘timesink’. Just too much for me. But I’ll admit I probably got a bit defensive after being told I was wrong for xyz reason by so many people on a matter of personal priorities

  • While America has it especially bad, because of our history with black slavery, the subject isn’t limited to America by any means, and isn’t limited to black people.

    For example, the camera issue I discussed above is not limited to the US.

    Racism exists all over the world. And anywhere that racism exists, and the racists held authority or leadership positions, you will find applications of critical race theory. Because even really, really subtle racism gets institutionalized in crazy, unexpected ways.

    EDIT: I’ll add that it’s not just race either. There are all sorts of weird ways that preferential treatment of the majority in power sneaks into our lives.

    Here’s a silly one: Novelty coffee mugs are biased against left handed people. No joke.

  • A reality in which the thread of racism has been so pervasive throughout our history that we can find its downstream effects in surprising ways. A reality in which - and I’m dead serious about this - we can clearly trace the path from prehistoric mineral deposits, to slavery, to congressional districts. A reality in which the implementation of fundamental institutions can be shown to work in favor of white people. A reality where it took until Google decided to do something about before we began to redesign cameras so they produced equally good photographs of black people as they do white people.

    I could go on but I hope you get the picture

  • Yeah, so, Google already has this data about you. What they’re doing here is trying to reduce the specificity of information given to advertisers about your behaviors, and simultaneously give you the ability to never inform specific third parties about your interest in the specific topics you choose

    I see this as a good thing. They were literally already getting and using all of this data. In that case I’d much rather have some control over who knows which things about me, rather than leaving it entirely up to Google