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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I hate to break it to you but not all machine learning is llms based. I’ve been messing with neural based tts from a small project called piper. I’m looking into an image recognition neural network to write software for and train myself. I might try writing it myself for fun 🤔

    I’m not interested in anything that uses stolen data like that so my options are limited and relegated to incredibly focused single purpose tools or things I make myself with the tools available.

    I’d love to play with image generation and large language models but until all the legal stuff is worked out and individuals get paid for their work I’m not touching it.

    To me it’s as cut and dry as this. If it’s the difference between an individual becoming their own boss/making a better living and a corporation growing their market cap I’ll always choose the individual. I know there’s a possibility of that growth resulting in more jobs but I’d rather have an environment where small businesses open breed competition and overall improve everyone’s life. Let’s not give the keys over to companies like Microsoft and close more doors.

    I don’t care about the discussion of true AI having rights. It’s only going to be used to make the wealthy wealthier.

  • It’s so fun to play with offline AI. It doesn’t have the creepy underpinnings of knowing art and journalism as well as musings from social media was blatantly stolen from the internet and sold as a service for profit.

    Edit: I hate theft and if you think theft is ok for training llms go ahead and dislike this comment. I don’t feel bad about what I said, local offline AI is just better because it doesn’t work on the premise of backroom deals and blatant theft. I will never use an AI like DALL.E when there is a talented artist trying to put food on the table with a skill they honed for years. If you condone stealing you are a cheap, heartless, coward.

  • I love the enthusiasm but it’s funny to say posting to a platform that makes copies on other servers and opens up APIs that make it very easy to scrape and build a profile with a little scripting has any privacy.

    It’s still better than meta or Twitter but your not private on these platforms. The companies that might make accounts to advertise from can easily be blocked and need to try harder to actually get your attention.

    Just be weary AI and ad companies are probably already scraping these platforms and it’s thanks to the open nature and the inherent flaws of modern monolithic social media design.

  • And I use arch because it was the first one that worked well on my hardware. Being into software development it’s probably not surprising to say I’m attracted to shiny new technologies.

    I love the fact your using Linux for your digital art. It validates the notion I’ve had about potentially using Linux for learning how to create illustrations and potentially small animations. I’ve used tools like gimp for Photoshop like stuff and davinchi resolve (a tool I’ve used) works on Linux. I might pick up a cheap little waycom eventually and see what happens.

    It would be fun to have a stream where software I wrote allows people to shout over each other (running completely locally) while I fail at drawing or making more janky code to do useful/silly stuff.

  • At least he tried it. Maybe he’ll pick up a second drive and dualboot. Regardless I have mad respect for someone who doesn’t just assume things but puts the effort into finding out for themselves.

    I remember when I was testing the water. I accidentally nuked my drive and something about that felt so final. At least after I found the USB drive I kept my backed up files, that was a real nightmare. I thought I lost my receipts for tax sure but all those photos and videos.

  • Unless you use an Nvidia graphics card. Every little update seems to improve stability and support. I’m on hyprland because plasma 5 had pretty annoying bug they neglected to fix on Nvidia but plasma 6 is starting to look stable so I might switch to it or wait for cosmic. I’m not sure if I could live without tiling and the way virtual desktops work on it now.

    I find myself hitting hotkeys that simple aren’t possible on kde. I simply couldn’t use an lts distro with the ever growing gap between the improvements then and where we are at now.

    Also x11 sucks and has made my experience miserable Everytime I’ve tried to use it. Anything from horrible screen tearing(from scaling) on Intel integrated to consistent lag and stutter on Nvidia, I’m glad it’s dying.

  • It only benefits users who need a set it and forget it solution. I chose it for my server because I don’t want to touch it but I dread the day I have to upgrade the whole system and something small like the zfs filesystem, docker, or my samba setup suddenly has issues and makes it unbootable like that kernel update that bricked my Nvidia drivers a couple months ago. I’m hoping that’s a fluke because it happened at the worst time for me.

    It’s four years from now, I don’t have to think about it yet.