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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • Depends on what you mean by matter. The point of the criminal justice system is, theoretically, to determine who breaks the law, and to punish people who break the law. In that sense it matters because Trump was found guilty in a fair trial by a jury of his peers.

    If what you mean is that it will change the politics of America, certainly. Trump is now running with the specter of a conviction hanging over him. Even assuming appeals and pardons, that fundamentally changes the nature of the election. It raises real and serious questions about how he could serve if under house arrest, parole, or in prison. It forces us to reckon with the balance of powers in this country - can a person dodge justice because they attain high office, or do we hold them accountable no matter what?

    If what you mean is in reality, no it probably won’t do shit.

  • In 20 years cell phones (as phones not portable computers) went from a tool that united people in new and exciting ways to a way for solicitors to spam us. It’s to the point that I don’t know anyone who answers their phone if they don’t have the caller’s number saved.

    This is a choice that we have made. We could legislate this behavior and we as a society choose to act as if it is inevitable.

  • We went from “the fundamentals have changed” to “the 90s were a long time ago” real fast. Regardless of who made the point initially you are arguing it. Full redesigns are expensive, inefficient, and likely to introduce new vulnerabilities. The existing implementation is refined by decades of real world use. We can incorporate new lessons without a full redesign - if we can’t then we should stop being software engineers.

    A full redesign is usually the type of project a CTO I worked for pejoratively called “computer science projects.”