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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I wonder if this is the motivation behind removing the auth-gate on mobile. Previously, if I browsed the mobile site on my phone in a non-signed-in state (I deleted my account), I could view 5-8 top-level comments and that’s it. Clicking “Show more comments” or trying to expand child comments would show a modal asking me to sign in or download the app.

    That changed last week along with a complete rework of the mobile site. I’m betting that they saw a huge increase in unauthenticated mobile users with a far below-average time-on-site metric and decided to open it up.

    Overall, I appreciate the change because I still lurk in many of the niche subs that I still haven’t found a good replacement for. self-hosted, datahoarder, webdev, 3dprinting, et al. have analogs here, but the content isn’t as deep.

  • Hmm, that really doesn’t sound like a traffic pattern that would be confused with a DDoS attack. I would be frustrated as hell too.

    What’s concerning is that our traffic would look very similar. We have a VPN dedicated droplet that allows access to our DO private network where the rest of our resources can be accessed. We also have high throughput periods though not as sustained as yours.

  • That’s really unfortunate. I love Digital Ocean and spend about $800/month with them for work.

    Can you tell me more about the traffic they are mistakenly flagging as a DDOS? I ask because I have regular DB and file backups happening and if we had traffic shutdown on production assets for 3-4 hours, it would be a big fucking deal.