• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I think nixos is still niche, but seems to be gaining momentum. It has some unique features:

    • Every package has its own dependencies, so you can install a 7 year old firefox alongside the latest, and have no interference.
    • Packages with dependencies in common still share them (for space savings).
    • Abandons the HFS, but can still fake it for apps that need it.
    • Can make dev environments that are exactly reproducible across machines, and only exist within a specific shell session. So you can have a project that relies on an out of date version of a compiler, and another that uses the latest, and run both at the same time.
    • Make your own packages that other people can install using a git repo address.
    • The package language can also describe a machine’s configuration; systemd services, default packages, user accounts, etc.
    • You can build and remotely deploy a machine config in one line.
    • You can cross compile a machine config for another cpu architecture, like ARM.
    • OS upgrades are atomic, and reversible. If it doesn’t work out, you can go back to the previous config.
    • No reason to ever reinstall. Recently upgraded a machine that had sat in a closet for 5 years to the newest release. Flawless upgrade.
    • Nixos boasts more packages than any other distro, over 100,000.

    There are certainly downsides - poor docs, confusing core language. Instructions for installing something on say debian will not work on nixos. I do think this style of package management is the future, if perhaps not this specific implementation. It can be a pain but its also super solid.

  • I went the jank monstrosity path. Well, a few scripts anyway.

    I use an app called SimpleSSHD on the phone that lets me ssh in. Then rsync to transfer files. The script to sync pictures is like this:

    # file 'droidip' contains the local wifi ip of the phone.  
    dip=$(cat droidip)
    rsync --append-verify --progress  -avz -e "ssh -p 2222" root@$dip:/sdcard/DCIM/Camera newphonepix

    Truthfully it was as much about learning rsync as anything, and now I’m sticking with it because momentum I guess. adb is way faster if you really need to move a lot of files.

  • Obviously it’s not gonna sway anyone who’s gonna vote for him

    Haha this is trivially true because if they’re gonna vote for him they won’t be swayed! And if they won’t be swayed they’ll vote for him!

    On the other hand, it will sway those who were going to vote for him but are not going to now that he’s a felon. There will be some of those. Those who will be swayed, will be swayed!

    It just feels like theatrics, something to grab people’s attention that will never have any real effect on Trump or his campaign

    Trump is all about theatrics isn’t he? But this conviction is a fact, not theater. This loss was not in the court of public opinion, but in a court of law. He can’t buy his way out of this. He can’t both-sides this.

    I don’t think there’s any way this comes out better for Trump. Law and order types will have to work hard to justify rallying behind a felon. Business types too. Like it or not the word felon has a stigma to it, and Trump is tainted by that from now on.

  • For me, yes. My ears ring all the time due to listening to loud things in my youth. I don’t want that getting any worse. You can’t buy new ears.

    I had a pair of 30$ musicians earplugs, but they really changed what I could hear. At concerts I couldn’t understand the lyrics; basically they changed the audible frequencies too much.

    Got 200$ moldeds made and I don’t feel like I’m missing out when I wear them, at least not much. I can understand lyrics better now. They aren’t completely neutral, but close enough. I keep them in a pill bottle attached to my keyring so I always have them at a show or the movies, or wherever else reckless people are in charge of amplification.

    I do think its an odd situation where you go to a show and the volume is crushingly loud, and everyone in the audience is wearing earplugs. At least the music doesn’t get overwhelmed by people yelling out drink orders at the bar. Alternative: silent disco style, with wireless headphones.

  • I have molded plugs, the filters are etymotics. Cost was about 200$ at an audiologist that did the molding. You can get filters with varying levels of attenuation, I think mine are 20db and they recommend 25 for drummers.

    I had etymotic musicians earplugs before, but they never worked that well. I couldn’t understand lyrics with them in, for instance. But I can with these.

  • nixos is great - as long as the software you need is in nixpkgs, and it usually is. reinstallation is almost never necessary. You can switch your system to the unstable channel, and if you get tired of that, back to stable again, no problem. Experiment with software and remove it without a trace left in your system. If you mess up your config, you can roll back to the previous config in the bootup menu. Your system config is in a text file which you can put into source control if you wish, which allows you to replicate your config onto another machine, or revert to what you had 6 months ago, etc.