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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Yeah, I have one piece of software where I need Windows with a GPU (Fusion 360, got it running on wine once but an update broke it), and my wife needs my PC for Adobe stuff sometimes. I might buy a cheapo used older GPU, I don’t need much since it’s not for gaming. That said, the video showed something that might fix where I got stuck last time trying to pass the integrated GPU, so I’m trying that again. I have a Ryzen 9 with 24 cores, so plenty of juice to go around If that if I can pass the igpu through. Then I could try looking glass and be all set. Thanks for sharing, gave me some hope to try again haha

  • Thanks for sharing the details! I’m gonna check out the video. So if I understand correctly, when you start your VM, it completely takes over video, and you’re not seeing the host desktop at all, but then when you shut down the VM, it returns to your host desktop? So the resulting experience is like dual booting, but a lot faster? I Heard about looking glass, but hadn’t delved into it since I couldn’t even get the igpu to passthrough in the first place (testing with a cable going to another input in my monitor, which AFAIK, would be the part that looking glass solves)

  • This nice little one liner bash script, assigned to a shortcut Meta +Shift + O. It opens the flameshot GUI, let’s you select an area of text in your screen and click Ok. It OCRs the screenshot and puts it into the clipboard. It checks for whether you’re using Wayland or X11 to use the appropriate clipboard tool. Beyond the more typical text in an image scenario, it’s a convenient way to copy non-selectable text in error popups. Not my original idea, copied the concept from a suggestion in a GitHub comment thread and adapted it.

    exec &> /dev/null [ “$XDG_SESSION_TYPE” = “wayland” ] && (flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | wl-copy) || (flameshot gui --raw | tesseract stdin stdout | xclip -in -selection clipboard)

  • Oh my god, I wish! I have tried unsuccessfully before, but I was trying to just pass my onboard AMD igpu to the VM and keep an NVIDIA on Linux.

    When you say single passthrough, you mean splitting the one GPU to host and client?

    I have tried through the arch wiki and a couple of YouTube tutorials with no luck. If you found any tutorials/resources that really, helped, please share!

    Also, I really wish I had the foresight to have bought AMD instead of NVIDIA a few years ago, but it was before I was on Linux as my main driver and didn’t know any better

  • Lol the für Elise thing is funny. Back in highschool I got a “PC maintenance” credit which had me assigned as support in the computer lab. I made a batch script that ran on startup and showed a warning message saying the hard disk will self destruct and did a countdown from 10 with the motherboard speaker beeping down, fun times

  • How well this goes depends on a lot of factors: are those languages native to either parent? What language is spoken where you live? Do you have other people in their lives that speak these languages? Are there other contexts in which those languages are spoken beyond the home (social occasions, TV, etc)?

    Apparently, for it to really stick, it takes a lot more than just a parent speaking. I recommend listening to this podcast episode with a researcher that runs a bilingual child development lab. TBH, it’s a bit disheartening to hear how hard it is to make it work: https://yourparentingmojo.com/captivate-podcast/bilingual/

    The questions I asked above come from listening to that. Another big takeaway is consistency. One parent should stick to only one language talking to the kid.

    I live in the US and I am a native Portuguese speaker, and my wife is a native Farsi speaker. We both spoke our own languages to our kid, and at age 2 he would mostly only speak those languages, and would even translate between them naturally (like I would say “go tell mom X” in Portuguese, and he would go and tell her in Farsi). But at age 3 he started just replying in English… Even went to Iran at 4, and could understand all his cousins but only replied in English. Farsi had a better shot because he has more exposure to it than Portuguese, but still… Honestly, it’s one of my bigger disappointments in my parenting because it was really important to me, but I myself fumbled with it: when he started speaking in English to me, I started sometimes mixing it up and responding in English, which is not good for this (I have lived in the US since high school, so it’s honestly a little easier for me at this point too). I was also a little concerned about his development in English and communication with his friends in school, but that’s not necessary, that will come no matter what, so stick with it. My brother also lives in the US and is married to another Portuguese speaker, so his 2 kids born here speak it just fine since it was the only language at home. Their grammar and vocabulary is a little weird, but they can get by just fine.

    Edit: sorry for any repetition, when I went to comment I couldn’t see any other comments for some reason and thought I was the first to respond