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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Suffering from end-stage kidney disease, Richard underwent the groundbreaking procedure in March, only to depart from this world merely two months post-surgery.

    The news of his demise was confirmed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the medical facility behind the historic transplant, on Saturday.

    Either an AI wrote this or somebody needs to take the author’s fucking thesaurus. He has ceased to be. He’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the choir invisible. He is an Ex-pig kidney transplant recipient.

  • Some of the best cyberpunk characters are women and the clothing is cooler.

    For the former point: molly millions/Sally shears and YT were both by far the most interesting characters in the sprawl series and snow crash respectively.

    Funny thing about cyberpunk as a genre is the women are often the badasses with complex characters and the male leads are usually bumbling selfish dummies that generally fail to resolve anything (Hiro protagonist in snow crash, Johnny mnemonic, case in neuromancer, and to a lesser degree bato in GIS who’s just clueless half the time instead of bumbling).

    For the latter: mox gear is better than worn browns and grays.

    I also just think the voice actor is better and Judy is the most interesting love interest.

  • You can put it in nurses notes, or depending on the EHR put an administration “note” in the MAR. But you have to actually put it there and then your manager will yell at you. Point is, you need to be sure they actually took a medication you documented you administered at the time you said you administered it.

    This stuff isn’t “my bosses” though but “standard nursing care.”

    On the point of patient’s refusing meds, they’re allowed to refuse. Nobody’s gonna fire you for patients refusing their meds. You just document it as “refused.” Now if the patient later says to the doctor that they didn’t actually refuse and you just didn’t feel like pushing the issue, that’s another thing. Put a nurses note as to why they refused in their own words if you want to CYA on that. Doctor has to talk to them a discontinue the medication anyway if they’re refusing, so you need a note.

    On a particularly difficult patient, like what you’re describing, you put in the nurses notes each time you attempted to administer medication and they refused. Those type of red flag notes are always fun to see before you come on shift.