• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The simple and probably better answer is that you can just vim ~/.zsh_history and search for/delete the lines directly.

    Buuuuut! I wrote zsh command for doing exactly that a few years ago (in my dotfiles, but i’ve pasted it below as well):

    # Delete from history via fzf
    # https://superuser.com/questions/1316668/zsh-bash-delete-specific-lines-from-history
    function delete-command () {
      # Prevent the specified history line from being saved.
      local HISTORY_IGNORE="${(b)$(fc -ln $1 $1)}"
      # Write out the history to file, excluding lines that match `$HISTORY_IGNORE`.
      fc -W
      # Dispose of the current history and read the new history from file.
      # TA-DA!
      print "Deleted '$HISTORY_IGNORE' from history."
    function pick_from_history () {
      history | fzf --tac --tiebreak=index | perl -ne 'm/^\s*([0-9]+)/ and print "$1"'
    function delete_from_history () {
      delete-command "$(pick_from_history)"

    It uses fzf to filter and select a command to delete. It’s cool but might be slow b/c you’re doing it one at a time. It also may depend on your zsh config (i think the history command i’m using there comes from ohmyzsh, but i’m not too sure).

  • I knew I’d seen something like this, and was very happy to find this in my notes from a few years ago: https://devchallenges.io/

    There are a few full-stack ‘challenges’, ultimately building up to a twitter and then trello clone. Maybe it’s the kind of thing you’re looking for? I’m not sure if the submit + review portion of the site is still a thing, but w/e, you can still take the ideas and build your own thing.

    Here’s a quick article on it from the creator: https://dev.to/nghiemthu/8-projects-with-modern-designs-to-become-a-full-stack-master-2020-14j9

    One thought I had when looking through these is that keeping the project small (e.g. an image uploader that adds a filter and renders it) might be preferrable to an otherwise larger/never-ending project. OR you could do more design work for a larger site if that’s the part of software you want to practice.

    You might also look into coding ‘kata’ or something like advent of code, tho that’s definitely a different direction and lower-level scope.

    Building stuff is fun! Good luck with it!