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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • And it’s a great line for the gun lobby. In a lot of ways, the NRA and gun manufacturers would prefer a Biden victory because gun sales spike when Democratic presidents get elected, as gun-nuts are certain every time it happens that this is the time, for real, that they’re “coming for our guns.” In other words, people panic buy rifles because they think a federal ban is coming. But the reality is that Dems will never push through sweeping anti-gun legislation because there are so many pro-2FA democrats out there that doing so would be ludicrously difficult and monumentally unpopular.

  • Linux is really just the kernel the OS runs on. What people dislike are some of the stupid choices a distribution’s maintainers make. Like, Ubuntu used to be a great entry-level operating system for people who wanted to get into Linux but didn’t want to ditch all the things they understood from Windows or MacOS. It provided a level of comfort and ease of use. Which is great, and something the Linux community needs. But then Canonical started injecting snap package bloatware with everything and it’s just a mess. You have as little control over snap updates as you do Windows updates unless you completely disable the service, which is hardly trivial for a new user.

  • I think one of the things you’re saying, and which I might rephrase, is the idea that a generational cohort and the political landscape of a nation during a period of time, is the byproduct of a truly incomprehensible number of factors beyond any one person’s or any one group’s control. Also, no one group of people is a monolith. There are plenty of conservative millennials, and it looks like Gen Z is going to be more conservative than Millennials in a number of ways. As one person online I saw put it “the kids are puritan pilled.” And of course even that’s not true for all of them. We’re all products of the world in which we live and it’s easy to judge people harshly who came before you because the world as it is now seems to be worse than the world as you imagine it was. But our perception of time and history is also imperfect, and we selectively forget and remember the past.

  • Well, WoW also came out in 2004. If you were born the year it came out, you’d be old enough to vote by now. If you were 14 when it came out and started playing that year, then you would be 33 or 34 now. It’s an old game designed for a different world. Its player base will continue to age with it. I’d imagine in a few years the average player age will be over 30. Which is incredible, when you think about it. Most adults don’t have the time to really dedicate to video games anymore. You have work, family, and social obligations. That so many people that age still play WoW is a testament to its place in their lives. You could say for a lot of people it’s not just “a game,” it’s “their game.”