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Cake day: June 19th, 2024


  • There is a photograph which accompanies the article of one of the protesters holding a placard which reads, “this is fascism”.

    I feel like it’s totally wrong to apply such a broad generalisation (“They don’t want the [genocide] to stop”) to such a group of people. The people of Israel are not a monolith, and I know for a fact that there are those in Israel who have been protesting their genocidal policies the whole time. It seems very plausible to me that a good number of the protesters calling for an end to the current violence will be opposed to the whole settler-colonialist project, in the same way that I wholeheartedly despise the state of the country that I was born in.

  • As soon as someone in a position of power shows their willingness to use that power to further their own agenda in any way, rather than for the benefit of the community, they should immediately and unequivocally have that power withdrawn.

    Rooki has showed us all who he is, and what he is willing to do with power. He has not felt any consequences. In future, he’ll just be more cautious with how he abuses his power.

  • I absolutely 100% believe that the US wanted to replace Maduro with a president favourable to them. But if the claims that the election results are fraudulent hold no water, it would be trivial for Maduro to simply release the receipts. I can’t think of any reason why he wouldn’t do so other than to cover up that he lost the election.

    Now there’s a whole other conversation about whether US propaganda led him to lose the election, but that’s immaterial to the outcome. As much as I believe all of these systems are flawed, by their own measure, he should publish the receipts or step down.

  • This is one of the reasons why the right is so successful. By equating emotion with lies, they erase the objections of the oppressed, and can continue with a veneer of objectivity as they advocate for genocide by seeming non-emotive and rational.

    Fact-based reporting should be a measure of whether the statements and facts, express and implied, line up with the truth, and nothing more.

  • A state is not the people. Israel is genocidal and evil. But the people who live there aren’t necessarily.

    I’m in favour of peaceful revolution. A general strike. Where the working class withhold their labour from the ruling class, and establish alternative societal structures outside of the state. For example, agricultural workers provide food to their fellow working class, in exchange for their own aid - e.g. childcare, help in maintaining tools and vehicles, healthcare, etc.

    Violence must never be our first answer, but we must also be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary.

    the Democratic and Republican parties have changed massively due to the will of the people

    Not really. The changes have been aesthetic and semiotics. Both parties still favour corporations over people. Both parties are still beholden to wealth, first and foremost.

  • Dude, do you think I’m criticising the American people? I’m not. You are victims of the US more than you’re responsible for their actions. But unless and until you can accept the fact that the nation you live in is a force for evil, you will never, ever be able to change it. That’s all I am trying to make you realise. I’m not actually all that interested in anything else.

    Vote all you want, but it’ll never make the United States a good country. The US will always be a colonialist power controlled by the rich until you remove those rich bastards from power. And you can’t do that using the system they designed to make sure they remain in place at the top of the pyramid.

  • This is my fucking point. The US is a nation of big talk going nowhere. Biden talking about how much he wants to end subsidies but it doesn’t fucking happen. Blinken denounces genocide then does fuck all about it. Continues to funnel weapons and money to Apartheid Israel.

    Literally the only article you linked which seems like something happened was US finding for housing in Africa which sounds nice and all, but y’all continue to exploit Africa way fucking more than you contribute.

    The original comment was that America does incredible good and incredible bad. I know about the bad. I want to hear about the good. But I also don’t want to be inundated with absolute trash that went nowhere. That’s why I specified something that I heard about. Because otherwise you just get stuff like, “oh, they gave $20 to an orphan in Syria, once.”

    If someone is incredibly good then it should be as easy to dig up evidence of their good as it is to dig up evidence of their evil.

    I’m sorry you can’t abide criticism of your shit-tier, racist, colonialist, genocide supporting, white-supremacist hellhole. Have fun with dealing with the tide of fascism.