Excessively patient. I’ve noticed there’s basically a 50/50 chance of any game I find interesting showing up for free on Epic eventually, so I mean, fine, I’ll wait a couple of years to save $60. Why pay for something that’ll eventually be given to you, paid for by some vulture capitalist’s dragon horde?
I take some of their money, get a free game: win/win.
…at this point, I’m pretty sure my Epic games library is way bigger than my Steam library, simply from the 3-5 free games a month that Epic tosses at you, of which like 1/3rd are actually pretty good.
Yeah I’ve been noticing that. It’s probably a case of it being cheaper for them than games, but I’ve also noticed they’ve not yet done a cycle where it’s ONLY freemium stuff, at least.
Next week, for example, is an Apex skin and a game. If it was JUST the skin I’d probably be less gruntled, but as it is, I find it hard to get too upset that I’m only getting 1 free game instead of 2.