Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I went on facebook as an experiment for a couple of weeks, try it out again, even take part.

    Algorithm quickly caught on that I liked some interests - transit, trains, Taylor Swift, and EVs.

    It was fine for a while, made a few comments, engaged with a few people, both who agreed and not.

    All of a sudden over the last week I’m seeing just pure propaganda - BS “headlines” like “50% of Americans regret buying their EV”. Absolutely unproven horseshit, but there it is.

    Facebook is absolutely culpable in this mess. They straight up promote it, and for me I was pro all of that stuff, it switched on me.

  • Why would I call it wasting? It’s funding the worthwhile part of my life, and it does a great job at it. I’ve been on several vacations already this year. I get to live where I want to. I have a great family that I love spending time with. To allow that I have firm limits with my job of 40 hours a week, then I go home. I enjoy several hours every night with them, and on weekends we usually go out and do something fun.

    You keep trying to convince me I’m not happy, and I assure you I’m very happy with my lifestyle. If other people want to work more, more power to them. I don’t understand it, but I guess do what you enjoy. I don’t enjoy working - I enjoy my personal time. So I found a job that pays me well, respects my time, and every day promptly at 4 I clock off, and I enjoy my evening. Whatever work there is will be ready for me at 8am.

    There are always things that get in the way, sometimes I need to work the occasional night, there’s a deadline, I’ve missed a few weekends - but I always take the time off the following week to make up for it. Your younger years are gone in a blip, these times become memories quickly. I have many fond memories of trips, time with loved ones, friends, and even coworkers. You know what I don’t remember? Projects, deadlines, and meetings.

  • and god help you if you ever use any of them, obviously you have time to play games you don’t have enough work to do. It’s all for show.

    I remember a Meta recruiter reached out to me. We had a couple of talks, and then on one of them I asked “So how’s the work life balance”

    Oh it’s great! We have a 24/7 cafeteria here, so if you ever need a snack it’s always available. We have sleeping pods, so you can easily sleep, and even 24/7 laundry services, so it’s all around a very relaxing place.

    Uhhh yeah man. I’m not some kid fresh out of college. I own a home, and I’m very aware of my work time vs my personal time. Hard pass all around. Kids, if the company sounds too good to be true, there’s an ulterior motive. Those things sound super great… but they’re of course all meant to keep you working around the clock, meeting deadlines. The companies aren’t “hip” or “cool”, it’s all to attract you, and then work you to the bone. A strict 40 hour work week is better than foosball anyday.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir but for the people interviewing for their first software gig - well maybe one of them will read this.