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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Yeah they said only pickles, and even with the liquid in the pickles it’s so briny that unless they are also drinking additional water their kidneys would keep using more water the same way drinking salt water would cause. I took the question as only pickles and that, as you said, would only last until dehydration sets in. Now if they have unlimited fresh water I’d say until malnutrition so maybe a few weeks, a few horrible weeks. Just playing along and speculating, I am not a MD.

  • More affordable and better job opportunities is a stretch. I would research where you want to live, once you have a few locations picked out. Find a way to spend some time there to be certain you enjoy the climate, social life, and entertainment. Then start job hunting in those areas, unless you can already remote work, and pick one that works for you in terms of finances, work life balance, and is commutable. Once you have a job offer in hand plan your move. Personally I would rent for a bit before buying a house, who knows maybe you end up hating the hot summers of the South, or the fridged windy winters of the Midwest. After renting for a little (and finances allowing) think about buying a place to settle down in.

    That should cover the basics but I did just do that from memory. Anyone think of any more tips let em loose.

  • The article states: “Deflation is bad for the economy because consumers and companies may put off purchases or investments in anticipation of prices falling further. That in turn could further slow the economy, and create a vicious cycle.” China has a robust export business, let’s say you wanted a toaster to buy, you don’t need it you just want it, and this month it’s $12, but you remember seeing it for $15 last month and $21 the month before. So you wait and next month it’s $10. Now since you aren’t in a hurry to get this item why not wait and see how low it goes? Meanwhile Mr toaster salesman’s pulling his hair out because he can’t slash prices to get rid of this inventory fast enough. Or something like that. Now the Chinese government can do several things to go back into the inflation level, one of which is just print money. They also say in the article that they would rather see prices rise naturally and they believe that’s what will happen.