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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Seriously. I might not be a great “Marx Scholar” and I don’t think the revolution will just be a peaceful process “whished into existence” but I don’t think Marx was Dunkin g on anti authoritarians here and to presume the “dictatorship of the proletariat” is the long term free society of Marx ideals is utter garbage. Communism will be anti-authoritarian or it will not be.

  • Funny I had to Google ci" to remember what it does even though I use that sometimes.

    I’ve committed to learning vim years ago and in most situations im faster in vim than in nano etc. (especially because of muscle memory) I still feel like I’m not properly using vim to it’s full extend (like whenever I remember using registers it feels like magick and I’m sure there’s more like that)

  • Pigs are pigs no matter where you are.

    In Germany they regularly kill POC in “self defense” like when they shot a 16 year old kid, that was holding a knife, with an AR.

    Some cops are also fascists or support other fascist actors. Like when an attorney for the victims of the fascist terror group “NSU” got threat via fax signed “NSU 2.0” her Fax number was pulled from the data in Frankfurts 1sr precinct where a bunch of Cops were working that were also in a WhatsApp group sharing Nazi memes.

    And the people investigating all of this? The police of course. Like when two police precincts were investigating each other both for killing a person “in self defense”.

    Tl;dr: ACAB world wide

  • No do is not the “none superuser” version of sudo.

    As the comment above stated it’s part of loops. But since loop syntax are built in to bash they are actually seperate built-in commands. Because it’s an available builtin autocompletion offers it to you.

    The do command here is just a special command that expects a certain set of parameters and a done at the end this is why you get an error trying to run do alone because it’s not adhering to the syntax properly.

  • I’ve been using signal since forever. Recently when there was a big exodus from Whatsapp because of their changed data policies was the first time I felt an impact with response time in the app etc. I immediately set up a regular donation. A few months later they came out with there cryptocurrency scheme I decided I won’t be funding any cryptocurrency so I cancelled my donations. I trust signal on the technical side implicitly. But they have lost my trust in the business side :/