i’m a turtle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I hate when people use the transitive “going to be” to describe “is.”

    “Hey, what’s your phone number?” “It’s going to be 911-551-0911.”

    Her phone number is 911-551-0911 and has been such for a while now. Why does she feel the need to use a transitive verb structure to describe that it will change to that in the future?

    I see people using this “it’s going to be” structure for ordering food (they are ordering food now, saying “spaghetti, please” is much less weird than saying “it’s going to be spaghetti”), as part of my job when someone is reporting current or past statistics, and events that aren’t coming up or aren’t scheduled, and are in the past.