Mainly we’re at risk from earth quake, flood, and wildfires. In general I keep a good stock of food, water, basic medical supplies and have a plan for evacuating if it come to that. For fire the main thing that is likely to affect me is smoke and I keep materials for making a Corsi-Rosenthal box.
My version is seeing the first cutscene in Resident Evil 2 and somehow convincing myself it looked indistinguishable from live action. I also remember being very impressed with Aladdin on the Sega Genesis (I had only ever seen NES games until that point)
Same, I also have a backpack for unique but non magical/useful items; dead fairy, mithral moulds, some armor I found in the mindflayer morgue. I definitely have a in game hoarding problem.
I’ve never heard of it with any spirit other than cachaça
If you have room to stock up they’ll keep for months, I still have a squash or two from our last summer harvest.