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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I don’t get how you don’t get it. I mean that with no animosity of any kind. I’m genuinely curious when people talk about buying a house like it’s a common sense option.

    As a millennial in my early 30’s, the only people I know my age that own a house are people with parents that essentially handed them a fully built life when they came of age. As in, paid for college, bought their first (or first few) cars, floated them after college, paid for their weddings, then paid half or the full deposit on their “starter” home. And that’s not a specific person I have in mind. That’s every friend I have who owns a house. Their parents had that kind of money. Every other person I know that doesn’t have rich parents (I’m in this camp) is working themselves to the bone just to scrape by. After 16 years in the workforce, 14 of those years being in a highly niche (but terribly paid) tech role, I can barely afford to keep a car running doing all of the work myself, let alone scrape together an extra $200 to get a secured card so I can finally start building credit. My pay checks are already consumed by the time they hit my account, and there’s a seemingly endless backlog of debt from decades of poverty. My parents are finally at a point were they can help their kids at times, but it’s in small amounts and they can only help one or two of us at a time. But, they’re boomers who might never retire, so even taking small loans from them feels bad. It’s an incredibly disparaging state of existence. I’m leaving out a lot of details for the sake of not writing a novel, but, I’m not financially illiterate, and I’m not giving up. I’ve just accepted the bleakness of my reality while I slowly grind myself (hopefully) out of it over the next 2 to 3 decades.

    I’m not trying to whine, or point out your privilege. What I’m saying is; this is my reality. One in which the concept of “extra money” you can put aside for smart investments is a nice delusion to entertain. The fact that people like you are out there wondering why someone our age wouldn’t buy a house boggles my mind, but also shows a very stark contrast in the lives of working/povery-class people and middle class and up. That is a huge problem.

    But that’s just my perspective. As I said, I’m genuinely curious to hear yours. How are you in a position where buying a house is the obvious option when statistics show that is very much not the case for most people under 40?

    Edit: spelling.

  • Fuck that. This country (assuming you mean America) was founded on freedom for working class people. Religious freedom is often cited as the main reason, but it was really a broader freedom from authoritarian control administered by the aristocracy. We have been in a perpetual class war since the beginning, and the wealthy have been winning since the late 70’s, but that doesn’t mean they will always win. Gen X and everyone following are done with the current system. Worst case scenario, things change when the last of the boomers die off.

  • As someone who has helped organize a union and is a strong advocate of unions in general, I was very upset with the way Biden handled the railway workers fight. However, I continued to follow that story and it turned out Biden’s administration had a plan for that. They ended up getting the railway workers most of what they were asking for in the end while averting a railway shutdown in the process.

    As @tory said, Biden didn’t let the Supreme Court rule on roe v. wade the way they did. It’s two separate entities… Which is a very basic fact when it comes to how the government works. No offense, but if you don’t know that you really don’t have any business commenting on politics at all. You’re speaking with the confidence of a head chef when you can barely put together some scrambled eggs.

  • I’ve run audio for maybe a dozen Prosperity gospel events over the course of my career… Those people are some of the scummiest people I’ve ever met in rl. The “preachers” usually have a group of thugs acting as security that will run interference for anyone that questions what they’re preaching. I’ve seen people get literally dragged out and then heard, after the fact, that the “security” team “taught them a lesson”. The crowd was shocked that someone was aggressively dragged out at “church” until the preacher spun the victim as someone with the devil in them, then everyone would be nodding their heads with a panicked look like “are we ok with this?.. I guess…”. Fucking surreal. Also, these people would try to dodge as many bills as they could. On several of the ones I did, the “church” stiffed the AV company I was working for on a $30k+ production.

  • For someone who isn’t right leaning, you’re pretty good at sharing text book right wing talking points. If the American propaganda machine were a boat, the online content you consume would be in it’s wake. Further, it doesn’t matter if you don’t watch the propaganda directly if you’re watching “content creator’s” who watch it and then relay the information to you in an easy-to-digest “here’s how you should think about this” 20 min video.

  • That’s not what “cancel culture” is outside of the right-wing media network. I’m very staunchly progressive, all my friends and most of my family are left leaning, and we literally NEVER engage with “cancel culture” the way your media says we do. In fact, I don’t know a single person that has ever talked about canceling anyone, ever, as far as I’m aware. This, along with all the attempts to make it seem like the left supports perverts and killing literal infants is all part of a very, VERY obvious attempt to paint MILLIONS of people as some sort of boogeyman. People on the left react to you the way they do because you believe in and spread nonsense that only exists to demonize them, all from atop some kind of high horse made up of default human values, as if you’re proud of being a basic human (protecting children/property/public wellbeing). The right literally fabricates stories, then tells you millions of regular Americans support pure evil, and you guys eat that shit up every single time, not because it has any basis in reality, but because you’re addicted to feeling reviled by, and better than others.

    I believe that every human has the ability to be rational and do good in the world, and I also believe that every human can be misled and manipulated into living a terrible fear-ridden life of baseless hate and paranoia towards others. Which kind of human do you want to be?