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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • People are naturally going to pay less attention the more cars drive for them. You can’t partially automate steering. Driver assisted steering is as close as it can be before the liability needs to fall on Tesla and other software manufacturers. A car isn’t a plane. The driver needs to be in control when split second decisions happen, like a child running after a ball.

    If I’m paying for an autopilot, I’m not the pilot. I.e., the driver. The car is. And Tesla’s marketing bullshit and lawyers are going to fail here. This does not fall under puffery. It’s false advertising that’s causing consumers to place undue trust in a product. And the insurance industry is quite concerned just where the liability falls in all of this as well. And as they’re the ones currently having to pay out claims when Tesla wins, they have a vested interest seeing that Tesla doesn’t.

  • Medicine is really biopsychosocial. Meaning, we’re biological, psychological, and social beings, and often a cause isn’t as cut and dry as it is in the traditional view of medicine. It’s the chicken and the egg.

    Is the body causing depression, is the mind, is the environment? Sometimes it’s one of these factors, but often it’s some combination or a combination of all three and often these factors can have feedback loops within them (my jobs sucks, so I drink which makes my job harder which makes it suck more, so I drink harder)

    So really, things have to be looked at on multiple levels and in the above situation in particular, psychological treatment should always be part of a multimodal approach because of the psychosocial adjustment element at play and the stress it would cause on the organism (whole person, body and mind).

  • Mushrooms are in phase three trials and have been for awhile. That doesn’t help a lot of other plants that were misclassified under Nixon, several of them used in religious contexts such as Ayahuasca (DMT) and Peyote (mescaline).

    Essentially, all of these medicines need to be reviewed because scheduling was based on political motivations and not any understanding of their pharmacology. They were being used as medicine by medical doctors (psychiatrists) when Nixon scheduled them. This was a great injustice to anyone with mental health issues and direct violence towards groups already using psychedelics (rather medicinally, spiritually, or recreationally). And this injustice and violence continues to this day.

    We all know Nixon was a crook and that the drug war is a crock of shit. Yet, we continue locking people up and denying access to medicine (or spiritual food depending on your outlook) because we don’t like the substances people choose to have a relationship with. We’re complicit in his violence everyday we let it continue as though it’s justice.

    Anyway, I hope the DEA reschedules cannabis. It would be a great first step. But we have to recognize that it’s just one step and not the end goal. The drug war needs to end. And we can’t be content with only weed being looked at.

  • Yup, I figured service jobs would be some of the last to go honestly. Replacing a person that works at a desk on a computer all day with a computer is just cutting out the middle man. Replacing someone that requires a lot of physical ability to move around and manipulate objects requires tech that doesn’t live in the cloud.

    And considering I’ve been reading about AI taking other jobs for the last year or more, I guess they kinda are the last to go. Now we just sit back and watch it accelerate. Either get UBI or a revolution that leads to UBI. Or the cyberpunk future the oligarchs plan to leave us with as they set their power hungry sights on Mars.