Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023

  • Oof. I really appreciate your time, but this is exactly what I tried, and it won’t work for me. Can’t find it after I install it, and trying to run it from cli (I use Konsole) does absolutely nothing. As it states right on that page, it only supports GNOME. I’m so sorry to waste your time.

    Maybe I’m doing something wrong when I try to run it. It really, really sucks because I love their email and password manager, and the vpn is amazing on my phone. But I’m not about to blow $60 a year on something that only works on my phone. They really need to work on support for KDE Plasma. A looooot of people use it, and more are every day.

    Another thing I noticed is that their pgp keys there say Fedora 39… we’re all on 40 now…

  • I’m on Fedora KDE Plasma spin (40 and 6.1 respectively) and I need help with Proton VPN. In Discover, there is an app available for Proton, however, it is not officially supported (even though it’s put out by Proton AG) AND it’s a flatpak, which means it’s sandboxed, so, problems. I have an account with Proton, and love their email and password manager, but I’m currently only on a free account because, 1.) I don’t have the money right now, and, 2.) I want to make sure it works before I spend money on it.

    So the problem is this: It works well enough, but after a short while (somewhere around 10-30 minutes) it just loses communication. I’m still connected and online, but nothing will load, no data is being transferred one way or the other; it just conks out. It also has this issue where if I switch servers “too often”, it will start asking for a password every time I try to connect to a server even though I’m already logged in, and my password doesn’t work for it. It will do this until I log out of Proton and reboot my machine, and even then it sometimes stays stuck in this asking for a password state.

    I have talked with Proton’s support about this, but the only thing they will tell me is that it’s not supported because they only support GNOME Fedora and a handful of other distros. Well, I’m not switching distros right now, or anytime soon. They do have a way to use OpenVPN with their service, but it’s quite convoluted and my brain starts to melt when I try to figure it out. Plus, Proton is the only VPN that comes up in Discover.

    Would Flatseal fix my issues, and if so, how do I configure it? If not, how can I get it, or another version or whatever? I just want privacy, dammit! If you can, please provide clear instructions or a link to clear instructions.

    Thank you in advance!

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    No, I know the difference between someone being giddy over finding themselves and someone doing it for attention. Unlike the fucking hexbears you see here throwing hate around, I know how to be introspective and self-reflect. I imagine it’s not uncommon for people to wonder what it’s like to be the opposite gender. My wife occasionally asks me what it really feels like to have a cock and balls. Hell, I’ve wondered what it really feels like to have a vagina and clit. But neither of us is going to change genders just to find out. It’s just natural curiosity. Trans people don’t bother me. Being browbeat is what bothers me.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    Yes. So why are they bothering everyone else with it?

    Remember a handful of years ago when all of a sudden everyone and their mother had a gluten allergy? That’s what this shit feels like. Yes, there are a lot of trans people out there. But I have encountered so fucking many, both on- and offline, that are just doing it to feel special.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    Have you not seen all these hexbear fuckwits?

    Yes, many of the interactions I’ve had with trans people, both on- and offline, have brought me to this. I always try to treat people as people, until they show themselves for what they truly are. It’s really simple: are they an asshole or not? If they are not an asshole, we cool. If they are, they can just fuck right off.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    When did I ever say that I do or would treat them poorly? I didn’t. I said I treat them as human beings, same as anyone else. I treat everyone based on one thing, and one thing only: are they an asshole. They want to be called she/her? No problem. They’re an asshole about it? Problem.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    I think a lot of my problem comes from the masses of people that for them it’s, well, essentially a form of cosplay. I know that may not be the best way to describe it, but I hope it helps at least somewhat convey what I’m trying to say. It’s like those girls that pretend to be bi for attention but they eat pussy like it’s going to bite back or something. Or people that pretend to have a mental illness to feel special. I’m just sick and fucking tired of it being forced on everyone. By that I mean that I have had trans people try to convince me that I am trans, or should be. I know not all trans people are like that, but those way-too-vocal minorities are fucking it up for the real trans people. As for questioning their existence, I’ve never done that. They exist, same as anyone else. I have worked with them. I’ve had friends that are. (I say had because I don’t keep in touch with anyone that isn’t in my immediate area, trans or not.) I’ve helped them as customers at my job, with the same level of service as anyone else- I treat people based on whether or not they are an asshole. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    The only reason I care is because it’s constantly being shoved down everyone’s throat and I have seen so, so many trans people who are trying to make the whole world trans. That is not hyperbole. I have had trans people try to convince me that I am trans. Just because they’re unhappy with what they were born with doesn’t mean everyone feels that way. I’ve also had trans people completely disregard anything I have to say about any topic, just because I’m “cis” I’m all for fighting for fair and equal treatment of all, but I will NOT stand for that shit.

  • TurtlePower@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlA not-so-friendly reminder
    10 months ago

    Sorry I got dysphoria mixed up. I didn’t know that trying to fix things mentally made things worse. Maybe they just haven’t figured it out yet. I hope they do, because I’d love to see people happy without having to harm themselves physically.

    As far as bodily autonomy, there are still limits to that. If there weren’t, why can’t we smoke/drink/poison ourselves however we want? Why is it illegal to try to kill myself and (most) people try to stop me?

    And I’m glad you brought up plastic surgery, because I don’t agree with that, either. Yeah, if someone needs it because of some tragedy that befell them like they were burned or disfigured, then by all means, try to fix it. But those nutters that try to literally look like Barbie or that guy that tried to look like Beckham…just…no. If you’re “ugly”, be “ugly”. Commercial beauty is what’s truly ugly.