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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024

  • This is not a very good article.

    It’s full of very weird qualifiers: “not a programmer,” “studied computer science,” “tech writer.” This person is not an average user, and they kind of do everything they can to make sure the reader knows that. Then, while trying to say Linux is for average users, the author suddenly is claiming to be just that.

    Linux is easier to use now than when I started using it, a little over six years ago. But it does require at least a basic curiosity to learn.

  • That is actually not true. Not downplaying the significance of these effects, but…

    In the 60s and 70s a large number of planned parenthood clinics were in low-income and predominantly black neighbourhoods, aimed at reducing the number of black babies.

    In the same era birth control (more appropriately termed eugenics) programs forcibly sterilized black and indigenous women. Where it was presented as an option, the consequence for not following through on these doctor’s “recommendations,” were threats to withhold healthcare or public assistance. The statistics through the 60s and 70s were that roughly 1 in 4 were non-consenually sterilized.

    But also, yeah, the results of this trial are fucked and people are right to be skeptical of this drug.

  • Fuck leaf blowers. I don’t care if they’re quieter. The term here is “polishing a turd.” They don’t really solve any problems. They’re not good at removing debris, but just blowing it to a place where someone else will deal with it.

    Also… removing debris on its own is a dubious pursuit, since “debris” could also be termed “stuff that holds moisture longer and slows the effect of drying soil during drought conditions.”

  • I get what you’re saying, kind of…

    But also, most modern earbuds usually sound quite good. Quality in general has become such a bizarre moving target, but here’s my take: We’ve become so used to constant improvement at the expense of satisfaction. I can barely notice the difference between 1080p and 4k. In my mind they’re both “good quality” and therefore I’m satisfied. Same goes for audio quality. I’ve used a few pairs of earbuds and they have sounded “good.”

    As a culture, we need to stop with throwing away of perfectly good devices, because it’s extremely harmful to the planet’s occupants.