Rose here. Also @umbraroze for non-kbin stuff.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    Yeah, there’s an important distinction. Just because you could use Linux doesn’t mean you can at any particular moment.

    I don’t really do music production; I’m more into writing and visual arts and photography. I could do all of those things on Linux and be perfectly productive. But there’s a difference between being productive and being optimal. My current process happens to be based on software that runs on Windows. (Heck, a lot of the software I use already runs on both Windows and Linux, anyways.)

    The key here being that you shouldn’t lock yourself too much to just one tool and one approach, and that actually goes both ways.

  • Reporter: “Mr. Putin, how is it possible that you got 132% of the vote?”
    Putin: “It is merely the byproduct of our superiour domestic mathematical sciences. The numbers are simply greater than the ones produced by foreign-made axioms. Do think of all of the great achievements our mathematicians have done over centuries, such as proving the Poincaré conjecture.”
    Reporter: (gasp) “Your ballot results were tabulated by Grigori Perelman?”
    Putin: “No, we looked at his qualifications but we figured he was out of our reach, unfortunately. We had the results tabulated by some other weird mathematician with a massive case of cabin fever. We saved a lot of taxpayer money this way.”

  • Yeah, basically unsubbed from AvE over this too.

    I can’t remember who this was, but there was another engineering YouTuber who, during the pandemic, basically twittered about being frustrated with the lockdowns from business perspective and whingled about being scared talking about his political beliefs because apparently being anything anything right of a model leftist is a crucifiable offence in the bird site, according to him. And how the horse paste actually works. I was like “…oh shit, maybe this dude is a magahatter?”

  • I used to watch iilluminaughtii several years ago, probably because I’ve been grabbing popcorn and enjoying watching someone dunking on multi-level marketing since, uh, 90s at least. Then I watched some video that was about some topic that I was kind of in middle of a deep dive, too (I can’t remember which exactly. Elan School, probably?). And the video was bland as hell. And then I was like “yeah, most of these other videos are kind of forgettable shallow pap too”.

    …and this year we found out about the whole landlordy corporate town fancier backstabby financial abuser helicopter-CEO situation. And the content mill situation. And the plagiarism thing. Can’t forget the plagiarism thing. …I was like, “oh this all just makes sense now.”

  • You know, at this point, any sensible company will take a single look at Musk’s tantrums and decide that advertising on Twitter is a massive legal liability they cannot afford. Not only is their public image in danger because the content is so badly moderated and offensive content is allowed, but Musk threatens to sue them if they even consider terminating their existing campaigns. Heck, this is to say nothing about the impersonators. The only way for brands to stay safe is to get the hell out and just state that they have no official presence on Twitter. Staying on Twitter is just a disaster waiting to happen.

  • Funny thing, in ISO 8601 date isn’t separated by colon. The format is “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm”. Date is separated by “-”, time is separated by “:”, date and time are separated by “T” (which is the bit that a lot of people miss). Time zone indicator can also be just “Z” for UTC. Many of these can be omitted if dealing with lesser precision (e.g. HH:MM is a valid timestamp, YYYY-MM is a valid datestamp if referring to just a month). (OK so apparently if you really want to split hairs, timestamps are supposed to be THH:MM etc. Now that’s a thing I’ve never seen anyone use.) Separators can also be omitted though that’s apparently not recommended if quick human legibility is of concern. There’s also YYYY-Wxx for week numbers.