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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023

  • Personally I’d be way more concerned with using OEM Android in the West than using wechat anywhere but if it’s really an issue for you then I’d say insist on trying session or signal… One of those are probably your best options if you’re worried about being spied on…

    If she’s unwilling to try them or doesn’t like them then I guess you have to settle for wechat or traditional SMS (although without RCS I find SMS to be a trip to a previous decade lol)

  • In my experience I’ve noticed Linux tends to (disproportionately) attract both libertarians and socialists/communists. I feel like I run into more of both within the Linux community than I do in other communities.

    I started using Linux because I couldn’t force myself to use Windows 8. Up to that point I used whatever version of Windows came right before the graphical interface but 8 was too awful so I started playing with mint and never went back…

    I got off the capitalism train in the middle of that but that was only because I decided to major in business and when I saw how the sausage was made I jumped ship but I didn’t know anything about socialism or communism or marxism or whatever you want to call it. I was so not into politics or economics that I literally had to search the Internet and ask people on social media what was an alternative to the crap I was reading for my classes… And then I went down that rabbit hole. If was enlightening. I learned a lot.

    Also… for people who think college is Marxist indoctrination…Marx was brought up for one paragraph in one book at the very very end of my 4 years. But by that point I already knew who he was just from the rabbit hole I went down when I was curious for some alternative to what I was being taught.

  • Honestly it’s kind of shocking this didn’t happen sooner. Idk how people follow Jesus and then say, “those homeless people sleeping under that bridge are drug addicts and bums. They’re getting exactly what they deserve because they don’t want to work” and the general glorification of “free market” capitalism to the point of arguing not all people are worthy of things like healthcare or food.

    To me it just never seemed compatible with their religion and if you look to South America there’s a strong correlation between socialism/communism and Christianity/Catholicism… Nicaragua is a fine example of this. (See image) “Christianity, socialism, solidarity” is what it says.


  • The absolutely delusional take was the popular opinion that all that needed to be done was to shove as many weapons as possible into Ukraine and with that they would defeat Russia. I even recall talks of “taking Crimea” (which is kind of silly in retrospect given their inability to retake the donbass region).

    Instead of avoiding most of this bloodshed thousands of lives were lost only to end up at basically the same position they would’ve ended up had this just been negotiated early on and that’s me being optimistic & assuming they’ll be offered the same deal as before (which there’s very little incentive for Russia to do given their position, Ukraine’s position, & the west’s appetite to continue funding/arming Ukraine going forward.

  • I don’t think it matters all that much if trump/republicans win or if Biden/democrats win.

    I feel like I’ve seen enough elections in my life to know that the POTUS is largely just a human sock puppet for the peasants to fight over online and in the street.

    No matter which corporate owned tool wins the gameplan stays the same.

    Impoverish you. Obey the donors. Sanctions + bombs. Tax cuts. Turn their pockets inside out when it comes to anything poor/working class people need. I could go on but I think you get the point.

    The slow suicidal summersault into ww3 shall continue. Buckle up.