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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • The holodomor as it is reported in the West appears to be a myth. There was a widespread famine where more Kazakhs and Russians died than Ukrainians, and the USSR did try to send Ukraine provisions but not enough. Also there is under reporting in the West of kulaks burning their fields instead of giving them up to the govt. Stalin even thought the West might have been responsible but that seems to just be Stalin being Stalin.

    That’s not exactly a genocide, just more incompetence as usual.

    The man whose work is most often cited has been refuted by his own wife and the initial publishing came with doctored photos that he removed when they were called out.

  • None of these are unpopular takes other than the first one. It’s no one’s business who you fuck. We have no fault divorce for those who want out for any reason. The state doesn’t care about why you divorce, and it seems like many successful people have multiple families so it also seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult to trip past that either.

    Edit: the climate change one is also unpopular since all that will happen is the loss of diversity and people who live near the shore will have to move inland. There will be more extreme weather events but it’s not like we’re going to turn into Venus. Things are just going to get more expensive and classist and racist.

  • If other nations can have billionaires and we can’t, and our country is vast and rich, we will be at a disadvantage.

    The WANT of money is corrupting itself. Actually having the money itself is not needed. People who want money will destroy your little system, and throw your country into chaos, ruination and poverty, united by a conspiracy of common interests.

    I would rather just regulate what needs regulating, within reason, with a gentle hand, and only a strong hand with the worst of violations. For the record, I would be much harsher than the us has tended to be when it comes to pollution, etc.

  • In what fucking universe does the director of an absolute bomb have power over a lifelong actress?

    Louie right after the disaster of pootie pie was quite a bit different than Louie at the height of his career.

    It was a weird moment, and it is tangentially related since he is an example of a guy who got inordinately horny the moment he felt a connection with a woman he felt was a kindred, but what happened with Louie is quite a bit different than what happened with Weinstein or Cosby. It’s quite arguable that he had less power in that exchange.

    That people mix these things up says something about society but I’m not sure what.