In the style of Higginbottom. Formerly staticv0id@reddit

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • ABQ is not quite Wild West, but you do need to watch yourself there. Good farmers’ market and plenty of Native influence.

    Columbus downtown seemed like a nice Midwestern spot, touch of Rust Belt, heavy on Buckeye mania of course. Seemed really quiet when I visited many summers ago.

    Have you considered Chicago? Boystown is a great neighborhood. Kinda wished I’d lived there even though I’m not LGBTQ. I think it’s still relatively low crime. But I’m sure you’ll want to do (or have done) your own homework on that.

  • Solution should not be technical. should be very simple to follow and have all the steps necessary to submit a successful contribution.

    Have a section in there for first time contributors. Link to a YouTube video outlining the basics if need be. Explain the process from the very beginning. If you want fresh talent to contribute, educate them on the right way to do so. (Perhaps this is an opportunity for boilerplate language. However, best current practice may change over time.)

    Be pleasant to and patient with contributors who fall short. They may never have contributed anything before. In that case, you are an ambassador not just for your project but for all open source projects. Don’t be a jackass who drives away talent just because they didn’t do something exactly perfect.

  • Such a memorable story from The Prehistory. “Someone representing the Jane Goodall Institute” sent his publisher a letter condemning the cartoon.

    Shortly after receiving the letter, before Larson could reply, National Geographic reached out and wanted to reprint the article. Nat Geo was shocked to learn about all of this when Larson’s publisher declined: “That doesn’t sound like the Jane Goodall we know.” Nat Geo made their own phone calls, which is when everyone discovered that Jane loved the cartoon, and she herself was unaware the letter had gone out from her institute.